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Laikipia District Mock - English Paper 1 Question Paper

Laikipia District Mock - English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

NAME:………………..…………………………….…………… INDEX NO:……………………
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) 2008
 Write your name and index in the spaces provided above.
 Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
 ALL your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
This paper consists of 7 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
You are the library prefect in your school. You have noticed that most students are not observing the library rules during library sessions. Write a memo to all students on this emphasizing on the need to observe library rules. Mention four rules and what action will be taken against those who flout the rules. (20marks)
Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word.
Is Britain 1 ________________nation of selfish old grumps? A new 2_______________
shows that only 28% of people would lend their car to a friend while 66% would refuse to lend someone a book or a CD;A lot of 3 _________________wouldn’t even share a bar of chocolate.
Psychologist Dr David Levis, who analyzed the 1000 responses, said men worry about loss of
power or control 4_______________ women’s selfish actions have 5_______________ do with
Men get angry 6 _________________the wife hogs the blankets or seize control of the T.V
remote, for instance, while women hate it if their partner 7 _______________to visit their
family.Researchers say lack of 8 ____________________in busy lives has created a “selfish gene” in many adults.
Could be true! Another survey shows well off Britons are 9_______________ happier than people in such poor 10 ____________________as Colombia, Guatemala and Malawi.
3. Identify the genres below (3mks)
 Eitomisimis iropeta ilanene.
 Vanda Vamba Vandu Vale Vee Viiu.
 Ndina cucu muraihu utanginduira ndare
Mukwa - A rope.
i) Provide responses to the blank spaces below of a riddling session. (3mks)
Riddler: (i)
Respondent: Throw it
Respondent: A big river
Respondent: I give you Nairobi city
Riddle: The answer is a calabash of blood.
ii) What are the three skills used during riddling? (3mks)
a) Underline the silent letters in the following words (5mks)
i) Knead
ii) Yatch
iii) Rendezvous
iv) Seizure
v) Island
b) Underline the words you would stress in the following sentences (2mks)
i) Kiruru is working in Mombasa next week
ii) The news shocked him
c) State whether you would use a rising or a falling intonation in the following sentences
i) Where were you born?
ii) What a beautiful pen you have bought!
d) His Excellency Dr. Kofi Annan is coming to your school to give a speech on the importance of communities living in peace and harmony. What would you do to ensure that you listen effectively? (4mks)
e) Below is a dialogue between a teacher Mr. Ufwenya and a student, Bori – Read it carefully
and answer the questions that follow. (8mks)
BORI: (Knocking heavily and persistently on the door)
MR UFWENYA: Yes, what can I do for you?
BORI: I want to sit down.
MR UFWENYA: Why are you late?
BORI: Eeem…. eh….I am sick. I am from the health centre.
MR UFWENYA: You don’t appear sick to me. Prove it !
BORI: You ask the matron, she will confirm that I am sick (scratches his armpit).
MR UFWENYA: I needn’t do that young man If you were at the health center then you must have
been given a…………………………
BORI: (looking bored) May I interrupt you sir? I’ve lost my hospital card.
MR UFWENYA: Surely, now I know you are lying you can’t have lost it that soon! You had
better tell me the truth or else……….
BORI: I am sorry Sir may I please say the truth. I had been sent out to finish a geography
assignment and since I know how strict you are with students who fail to attend your lessons,immediately the bell was rung I rushed to join the class just to find that you were already in. Please forgive me sir.
MR UFWENYA: (Smiling) See? Shame on you! Let this be the last time. Join the rest
(Class bursts into laughter)
i) Identify two instances in which Bori sounds rude and suggest a courteous way of saying the same (4mks)
ii) Identify four polite expressions used in the dialogue (2mks)
iii) It is said that ‘actions speak louder than words’ mention one thing that Bori has done that is
not likeable. (1mk)
iv) Fill in the last response of Bori with your own words. (1mk)

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