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Computer Studies Form Four Question Paper

Computer Studies Form Four 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2005

Name School

paper 1
March 2005
2 1/2 hours


This paper consists of two sections; A and B
Answer all questions in section A
Answer question 16 and any other three questions from section B


1. (i) What is a database system? 1mk
(ii) List four main concepts of database system 2mks

2. Give three assertions about the effect of computers on jobs 3mks

3. List four operations of a computer 2mks

4. List any four things that a puchaser of software might require as part of the purchase 4mks

5. List three backing storage devices in use today 3mks

6. Evaluate the following expression: ( 25 div 4) + ( 17 mod 7 (4 * (-2)) 3.5mks

7. List any two functions of the following:
a) systems analyst 2mks
b) database manager 2mks

8. List three software considarations one should consider when purchasing a computer system 3mks

9. What is modular programing? 2mks

10. State three types of computer processing files 3mks

11. List the concepts of word processing 2mks

12. List two logical functions in a spreadsheet 2mks

13. State and explain briefly any two functions of an operating system 2mks

14. State any two duties of a database adiministrator 2mks

15. Distinguish between pilot and phased changeovers as used in system implemenation 2mks


16 a) Write a program code using a high level language of the multiple of a number up to and including the square of a number 10mks

b) Draw a flowchart for the above program 5mks

17 a) Define the terms cold booting and warm booting 2mks
b) Define a computer lab 1mk
c) State two possible causes of fire in the lab 2mk
d) Explain the following terms giving one advantage and disadivantage for each: 6mks
i) distributed processing
ii) real time processing
e) State and explain two factors that determine methods of data processing 4mks

18 a) Give three advantages and two disadvantages of using standard packages over proprietary software 5mks
b) i) if a number is such as 1234567890 was typed in a cell of a spreadsheet, it is at times displayed as ##########. why? 2mks
ii) how can the problem above b(i) be corrected? 2mks
c) With reasons, briefly describe the most appropriate output device for the output of:
i) customer invoice on multipart stationery 2mks
ii) letters to customers 2mks
ii) detailed engineering designs 2mks

19 a) Explain the difference between a compueter virus and a compueter worm 2mks
b) i) state two ways through which computer viruse may be controlled 2mks
ii) explain how each of the following ways stated above b(i) assist in controlling compueter viruses 2mks
c) Define each of the following computer terminologies 3mks
i) byte
ii) bit
iii) word
d) Perform the following using 2's complement method; 16916 - A0B16 4mks
e) Differenciate the following computer crimes: hacking and cracking 2mks

20 a) Power failure, viruses and accidental erasure are some possible causes of loss of programs and data. state any other four and for each one of them state two precautions that if undertaken, there will be no loss of data and/or programs 12mks
b) Discuss briefly any two characteritics of a computer 2mks
c) What is "intelligent" termianl? 1mk

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