Eps 402: Educational Statistics And Evaluation Question Paper
Eps 402: Educational Statistics And Evaluation
Course:Bachelor Of Education Arts
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2009
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DATE: FRIDAY 11TH SEPTEMBER 2009 TIME: 8.00 A.M. – 10.00 A.M.
1. This paper is divided into two sections, A and B.
2. Attempt ALL questions in BOTH Sections.
3. Relevant formula and standard Normal distribution tables are provided at the
back of this question paper.
4. Scientific calculators may be used in this examination.
5. Use of Mobile Phones is strictly prohibited.
1. Using appropriate examples, clearly distinguish between the following terms::
a) i) Statistics and measurement.
ii) Standard scores and standardized scores.
iii) Measures of variability and measures of relationship.
iv) Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. (4 marks)
b) Classify each of the following as nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio level (or
scale) of measurement.
i) The score you obtained on a Geography test.
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ii) The height of each of Kenyatta University students.
iii) The student’s ID number.
iv) Mechanics have to say whether changing the spark plugs on a new
model car is very difficult, difficult, easy or very easy. (2 marks)
2. Given below are scores for ten students obtained on a Form 2 Physics test:
6, 5, 2, 8, 10, 8, 11, 10, 14, 6.
Determine the following measures of:
a) Central tendency:
i) Mode (2 marks)
ii) Median (Exact) (1 mark)
iii) Mean (1.5marks)
b) Variability:
i) Range (0.5 marks)
ii) Mean deviation (1.5 marks)
iii) Standard deviation (3 marks)
c) Basing on the measures of central tendency obtained in (a) above, describe
fully the shape of the distribution. ( ½ mark)
3. a) Differentiate between the following:
i) Percentile (or percentile point) and percentile rank.
ii) T-scores and stanines. (2 marks)
b) Peter obtained a score of 66 in his first test and a score of 80 in his second
test. The mean and standard deviation for the first test were 60 and 12
respectively. The mean and standard deviation for the second test were 72
and 15 respectively. In which of the two tests did Peter perform better?
(1 ½ marks)
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c) A High school teacher in a class of 40 students, found out that the
Mathematics scores were normally distributed with a mean of 82 and
standard deviation of 12.
i) What is the percentile point in the distribution below which 90% of the
scores fell? (1 mark)
ii) What is the percentile rank of a student with a score of 66 in the class?
4. Using suitable examples differentiate between the following:
i) Examination and evaluation.
ii) Achievement test and aptitude test
iii) Formative evaluation and assumptive evaluation.
iv) Concurrent validity and predictive validity.
v) Test-retest and split-half methods of estimating reliability. (10 marks)
5. a) i) what is test specifications? (2 mark)
ii) Briefly explain two advantages of using a table of test specifications
when preparing a classroom test. (2 marks)
b) i) State and briefly explain any two measurement techniques for testing
theoretical and practical knowledge in our school system.
ii) With reasons explain how effectively these measurement techniques
are being used in our school system. (1 ½ marks)
iii) State and briefly explain any two factors that may affect the selection
of item format (or item type). (2 marks)
c) i) Distinguish briefly between essay test and an objective test. (1 mark)
ii) Give two advantages and two disadvantages of an objective test as
applied to school subjects. (2 marks)
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6. The following scores were obtained by a group of ten Form 3 students on Chemistry
and Geography tests.
Students A B C D E F G H I J
Chemistry 10 9 7 11 12 8 6 10 8 7
Geography 12 10 9 8 7 13 9 14 11 12
a) i) Calculate the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient
rxy,for the above scores. (6.5 marks)
ii) Interpret your calculated value, rxy (1.5 marks)
iii) State any two assumptions underlying this Pearson product moment
correlation coefficient. (1 mark)
b) i) Compute the Spear man rank order correlation coefficient, rs for the
above sets of scores. (5 marks)
ii) Give two assumptions underlying the Spear man rank order correlation
coefficient, rs. (1 mark)
7. a) i) What is item analysis? (3 marks)
ii) How is item difficulty different from item discrimination for a given
test item? Explain briefly using an appropriate example.
(1 ½ marks)
b) The table below gives a summary of students’ responses on two multiple-choice
items (or questions).
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NOTE: For Item 1, A* is the Key
For Item 2, D* is the Key
c) Calculate the item difficulty index (P) and item discrimination index (dD) for
each of the two items. (8 marks)
d) Comment on the quality of each item in the light of the above item analysis
data obtained in (b). (3 marks)
d) Evaluate the effectiveness of the distractions in the two test items, and then
identify for each test item the good and poor distractions. (2 marks)
Group Options Omits Total
A* B C D
1 Upper group 40 2 0 5 3 50
Lower group 24 24 0 2 0 50
A B C D* Omits Total
2 Upper group 3 2 3 42 0 50
Lower group 0 24 0 26 0 50
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