Eps 402: Educational Statistics And Evaluation Question Paper
Eps 402: Educational Statistics And Evaluation
Course:Bachelor Of Education Arts
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2009
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DATE: Monday 28th December, 2009 TIME: 8.00 a.m. – 10.00 a.m.
1. This paper is divided into TWO sections A and B.
2. Attempt ALL questions in BOTH sections.
3. Relevant formula and Standard Normal distribution tables are provided at
the back of this question paper.
4. Scientific calculators may be used in this examination.
5. Use of Mobile Phones is strictly prohibited.
Q1. (a) Explain the difference between the following:
(i) A discrete variable and a continuous variable.
(ii) Uni modal distribution and bimodal distribution.
(iii) Percentile point and percentile rank.
(iv) Positively skewed distribution and negatively skewed distribution.
[2 marks]
(b) Indicate the appropriate scales (or levels) of measurement for each of the
following variables.
(i) The total number of learners in your class.
(ii) The heights of all the K.U teaching staff.
(iii) The positions of learners in an end-term examinations.
(iv) The scores of Form 2 students in an English test. [2 marks]
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Q2. Given below is a set of grouped data showing the performance of students on a
Form 3 Physics test.
Class-interval Frequency (f)
30 – 34 4
25 – 29 10
20 – 24 18
15 – 19 15
10 – 14 8
5 - 9 5
Using the above tabular data, calculate the following measures of:
(a) Central tendency:
(i) Mode [0.5 marks]
(ii) Median [1½ marks]
(iii) Mean [2 marks]
(b) Variability:
(i) Range [0.5 marks]
(ii) Variance [2½ marks]
(iii) Standard deviation [0.5marks]
(c) Using the measures of central tendency obtained in (a) above, describe;
(i) fully the distribution of scores, and [½ marks]
(ii) The performance of students on the test. [½ marks]
(d) In a large class of Educational evaluation the final examination scores
have a mean of 56.3 and a standard deviation of 14.5. Assuming the
distribution of examination scores if normal, find:
(i) the percentage of scores exceeding 90. [1½ marks]
(ii) the proportion of examinees scoring less than 50. [1 mark]
(iii) If the top 10% of the students are to be assigned grade A,
determine the cut-off score for them. [2 marks]
(e) Distinguish between the following types scores:
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(i) z-score and standard score.
(ii) T-score and stanines
(iii) Standardized scores and Normalized scores. [3 marks]
Q3. (a) Distinguish between the following sets of terms:
(i) Summative and formative evaluation
(ii) Norm-referenced and criterion-referenced testing
(iii) Paper and pencil (or written) and performance tests.
(iv) Criterion-related validity and construct validity. [4 marks]
(b) Explain the effect of each of the following on the quality of a test:
(i) Use of a test specifications table.
(ii) Small or large number of items in the test.
(iii) Mixing difficult, moderate and easy items in an appropriate
proportion when preparing a test. [3 marks]
(c) Explain two methods a teacher can use to reduce subjectivity in marking
an essay test. [2 marks]
Q4. (a) State four factors that might affect the selection of an item format (or
question type) that a teacher would like to use on his/her test.
[2 marks]
(b) State and explain three factors that might increase the reliability of a
classroom test. [3 marks]
(c) (i) What is a report form?
(ii) How is the report form important to the following?
I - Student
II - Teacher
III - Parents
IV - Administrator [4 marks]
(d) State four important roles that evaluation plays in a nation’s educational
program me. [2 marks]
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Q5. (a) (i) Define correlation. [0.5 marks]
(ii) How is a scatter plot (or scatter diagram) useful in determining the
Relationship between two variables? Explain. [1 mark]
(b) Given below are scores that were obtained by a group of ten Form 4
students on Mathematics and Chemistry tests.
Student A B C D E F G H I J
Mathematics 10 8 6 2 3 4 6 8 9 4
Chemistry 4 3 10 8 2 9 6 7 6 4
(i) Compute the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient rxy,
between mathematics and chemistry scores. [6 marks]
(ii) Interpret your calculated value (rxy). [1 mark]
(iii) State two assumptions underlying the Pearson product moment
correlation coefficient, rxy. [1 mark]
(iv) Calculate the Spear man Rank order correlation coefficient rs for
the above given data. [5 marks]
(v) Give two assumptions underlying the Spear man Rank order
correlation coefficient, rs. [1 mark]
Q6. (a) (i) What is item analysis? [0.5 mark]
(ii) Briefly distinguish between item difficulty index (P) and Item
Discrimination index (D). [2 marks]
(iii) What properties are desirable for:
I - Item difficulty index?
I - Item discrimination index? [1 mark]
(b) The table below gives a summary of students responses on two multiple
choice items (or questions).
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Item No. 1 Group Options Omits Total
A B* C D
Upper group 3 50 0 7 0 60
Lower group 22 30 0 3 5 60
2 Group A B C D* Omits Total
Upper group 4 9 4 43 60
Lower group 0 28 0 32 60
For item 1, B* is the key.
For item 2, D* is the key.
(i) For each of the two test items, compute the item difficulty index
(P) and item discrimination index (D). [6 marks]
(ii) Comment on the quality of each item in the light of the item
analysis data presented in b(i) above. [3 marks]
(iii) Evaluate the effectiveness of the distractions in the test items and
identify the good and poor distractions. [2½ marks]
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