Eps 402: Educational Statistics And Evaluation Question Paper
Eps 402: Educational Statistics And Evaluation
Course:Bachelor Of Education Arts
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2010
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DATE: WEDNESDAY 28TH APRIL 2010 TIME: 8.00 A.M. – 10.00 A.M.
1. This paper is divided into TWO sections, A and B.
2. Attempt ALL questions in BOTH Sections.
3. Relevant formula may be found at the end of this question paper.
4. Scientific calculators may be used in this examination.
5. Use of Mobile Phones is strictly prohibited.
Q.1 a) Clearly distinguish between the following terms:
i) Measurement and evaluation.
ii) Skewness and Kurtosis of a distribution.
iii) A histogram and a frequency polygon. (3 marks)
b) For each of the following indicate the scale (or level) of measurement.
i) Temperature in degrees Celsius.
ii) Volume of milk containers in cubic centimeters from Zero to 200
cubic centimeters.
iii) Rooms 101 – 250 at the Safari park Hotel.
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iv) Tutorial Fellows, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor and
Professor. (2 marks)
Q.2 Given a distribution having the following scores obtained on a form 3 English test:
11, 12, 13, 15, 15, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18.
Compute the following measures of:
a) Central tendency:
i) Mode (1/2 mark)
ii) Median (exact) (1.5 marks)
iii) Mean (2 marks)
b) Variability
i) Range (1/2 mark)
ii) Mean deviation (2 marks)
iii) Variance (3 marks)
c) i) Using measures of central tendency obtained in (a) above, describe
fully the shape of the distribution of scores, and also the performance
of the students on the test. (2 marks)
ii) Briefly describe graphical presentation of data, and explain its
importance in descriptive statistics. (2 marks)
Q.3 a) Using appropriate examples, differentiate between the following terms:
i) Achievement test and aptitude test
ii) Measurement and evaluation
iii) Face validity and content validity
iv) Test-retest and parallel – Forms methods of estimating reliability.
(4 marks)
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b) Using suitable examples, explain how the following stakeholders may
benefit from the teaching learning situation in the classroom.
i) Administrators
ii) Students
iii) Teachers
iv) Guidance and counselors. (6 marks)
Q.4 a) Briefly discuss the importance of a report form (or card) to
i) Student
ii) Parents
iii) Teachers (4.5 marks)
b) i) Give two advantages of using a table of test specifications when
preparing a classroom test. (1 mark)
ii) How are paper-and-pencil tests different from oral tests? Explain.
(1 mark)
iii) Give four factors that will affect the choice of an item format (or
question type) to use on your test. (2 marks)
iv) How are the supply type of items different from the selection type of
items? Explain using suitable examples. (1.5 marks)
Q.5 a) i) What is correlation?
ii) How is a scatter diagram useful in correlation? Explain. (1 ½ marks)
b) The following scores were obtained when a group of ten Form 2 students
were tested in Mathematics and Physics.
Student A B C D E F G H I J
Mathematics 3 5 6 4 3 7 6 5 4 7
Physics 4 3 2 1 2 3 3 5 4 2
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i) Compute the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient rxy, for
the above scores. (6.5 marks)
ii) Interpret the calculated value (rxy). (1 mark)
iii) Calculate the Spear-man Rank order correlation coefficient (rs) for the
above data. (4.5 marks)
iv) State two assumptions underlying the Spear man Rank order
correlation (rs) (1 mark)
Q.6 a) i) How is item analysis important in test construction? Explain.
(1 mark)
ii) Distinguish between Difficulty Index and Iem Discrimination
index. (2 marks)
b) The table below gives a summary of students’ responses on a multiple choice
item (or question)
D* is the key for the item.
i) For the test item, calculate the item difficulty index (P) and item
discrimination index (D). (4 marks)
ii) Comment on the quality for the item in the light of the item analysis
data obtained in b (i) above.
Group Options Omits Total
A B C D*
Upper group 5 0 2 53 0 60
Lower group 2 0 20 32 6 60
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iii) Evaluate the effectiveness of all the distractions for the test item.
(2 marks)
c) Distinguish between each of the following
i) mastery test and survey test
ii) Informal test and standardized test
iii) Speed test and power test
iv) Objective test and Subjective test. (2 marks)
d) i) Why is it desirable to use a variety of evaluation techniques when
evaluating learning outcomes? Explain. (1 mark)
ii) Differentiate between a norm-referenced interpretation and a
criterion-referenced interpretation of a classroom test. (3 marks)
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