Cms 207 Marketing Research Question Paper
Cms 207 Marketing Research
Course:Bachelor Of Commerce
Institution: Kca University question papers
Exam Year:2011
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question One and Any other Two Questions
In March 2003, Fortune magazine ranked Procter & Gamble (P&G), the world's leading fast moving
consumer goods (FMCG) company, as no. 7 in the list of 'World's Most Admired Companies.' P&G
was one of the very few companies to have featured in this list for 17 consecutive years (1985-2002).
P&G was ranked high on the parameter2 of 'ability to develop superior quality and highly innovative
products on a consistent basis.' Analysts attributed this 'ability' to the company's understanding of
consumers' needs and preferences that had evolved out of its continuous focus on marketing research
(MR) from the very beginning.
With the setting up of its MR department in 1924, P&G became one of the first companies in the world
to conduct formal research on consumers' needs and preferences. Over the next eight decades, the
company developed several innovative MR techniques. Its researchers were trained to get the
information they required from consumers. P&G employed advanced technology to analyze the
feedback it obtained and arrive at the right conclusions.
Commending P&G's focus on, Tankut Turnaoglu, P&G's country manager in Kazakhstan, said, "P&G
has a long history of success - a direct result of finding out what consumers want and developing
superior-quality products to best meet their needs. P&G was among the first companies to establish in
1924 a special department for market research to identify consumer preferences and buying habits.
Market research is still a foremost tool for understanding consumers' needs for P&G." P&G used
qualitative research tools, such as focus groups, in-house visits, in-context visits and in-store
interviews, and quantitative research tools like blind tests, concept tests, and so on. The company also
hired external agencies to conduct MR. In recent years; P&G used the Internet as a medium for
research and, in the process, achieved significant savings of cost and time.
Commenting on the benefits of the Internet, Barbara B. Lindsey, director of P&G's consumer research
services and new-technologies group, said, "It can save you a whole lot of time and a whole lot of
money." It has also helped P&G to reduce its reliance on external research agencies. According to
some figures, every year P&G spent an estimated $150 million on more than 6,000 surveys, half of
which were conducted in the US.
Commenting on the importance the company attached to MR, an employee in its market research
department said, "They really believe in (research). They do not just do it as a routine thing; they do it
with genuine interest in finding out. They're really curious. They believe in the results; then they act on
(that belief)."
Background Note
Procter & Gamble was established in 1837 when candle maker, William Procter and his brother-inlaw,
soap maker, James Gamble merged their small businesses. They set up a shop in Cincinnati and
nicknamed it "Porkopolis" because of its dependence on swine slaughterhouses. The shop made
candles and soaps from the leftover fats. From its inception, P&G sought product response from
consumers in the form of complaints or suggestions. This feedback was given serious attention and the
company incorporated the required changes.
In one particular instance, in 1879, an 'Ivory' brand soap machine operator discovered that due to overstirring,
the soap floated on water. The consignment of ivory 'floating soaps' was dispatched soon.
P&G received appreciative comments from consumers and within a month, it had modified its
production process so that the entire range of its 'Ivory' brand soap had this unique feature...
a. Meaning and importance of market research in relation to Proctor and Gamble’s long history of
success. [8 Marks]
b. As a research consultant hired by P&G, what two (2) areas of research would you recommend to the
firm? [8 Marks]
c. Mention the data analysis techniques you would apply [6 Marks]
d. Identify the characteristics that resonate with marketing research applicable to a potential or
practicing international marketer [8 Marks]
a. Highlight where the interviewer instructions on the responses to a particular question are placed on
the questionnaire? [8 Marks]
b. Mention the advantages of open-ended questions [5 Marks]
c. Discuss the key characteristics of opening questions in a questionnaire [7 Marks]
a. Explain whether you would consider there to be a relationship between a decision problem and a
research problem [8 Marks]
b. Identify the role research plays in a firm and give a critique (pros and cons) [8 Marks]
c. Enumerate the uses of exploratory research design [4 Marks]
a. Discuss the research methods applicable in undertaking an effective market research [15 Marks]
b. Mention the factors one should consider when determining a sample size [5 Marks]
The function of research can be linked to effective decision-making resulting to appropriate
management and competitiveness of organisations. Discuss. [20 Marks]
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