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Parasitology Question Paper


Course:Diploma In Medical Laboratory Science

Institution: Kenya Medical Training College question papers

Exam Year:2009






1.)A host in which a parasite undergoes preliminary stages of development is:
a.) Man in the case of plasmodium palcparum
b.) Coprozoic parasite
c.) Definitive host
d.) Intermediate host

2.) A parasite which requires two or more hosts to complete its lifecycle is referred to as
a.) Heteroxenous parasite
b.) Pseudoparasite
c.) Abberrant parasite
d.) Auto-heteroxenous parasite

3.) Abberant parasite excludes the following:-
a.) Toxocara canis
b.) Toxocara catis
c.) Toxocara leonine
d.) Ascaris lumbricoides
e.) Plasmodium falciparum

4.) Culex mosquito in reference to plasmodium falciparum is referred to as
a.) Refractory host
b.) Vector
c.) Susceptible host
d.) Inonimate host

5.) Leishmania and tryponosomes belong to the class
a.) Zoomastigophoa
b.) Sporozoa
c.) Ciliophora
d.) Kinetofragminophorea

6.) Which of the following parasites can be transmitted by inhalation
a.) Entamoeba gingivalis
b.) Enterobius vermicularis
c.) Toxacara species
d.) Trichopmanas vaginilis

7.) The following statements are true concerning E. histolytica, except
a.) Cysts have 8 nuclei
b.) Diseases rates are high in slums
c.) It is common in caucasian
d.) It causes liver abscess

8.) Which of the following stains are used in the negative staining of E.histolytica trophozotes
a.) Eosin
b.) Orange-G
c.) May-Grundwald
d.) Acridine stain

9.) Which of the following statement is\are true concerning Entamoeba gingivalis
a.) It has no cystic stage
b.) It is non-pathogenic
c.) Oral hygiene is important to control it
d.) Its cysts has a large glycogen vacuola

10.) The following statement are true about chilomactix mengiti
a.) Its cyst hac
b.) Its cyst on lemon shaped
c.) It inhabits the proximal small intesitine
d.) Its non-pathogenic

11.) Which intestinal prolozoan has its cyst containing a large glycogen vacuole which stains golden-brown with iodine?
a.) Iodamoeba butchilli
b.) Chlomastix mensunili
c.) E.coli
d.) E.histolytica

12.) Which of the following trichoomonads is found in the buccal cavity
a.) T tenax
b.) T buccalis
c.) T hyuminis
d.) T Vaginalis

13.) Which of the following Trichomonds thrive at pH of 5.5?
a.) T.tenax
b.) T.waginalis
c.) T.hominis
d.) T bucacalis

14.) Conjugations is associated with
a.) Leishmania paracita
b.) Balantidium coli
c.) E.coli
d.) E. histolytica

15.) Amastogle in
a.) Associated with Trypanasoma brucei special
b.) Associated with Trypanasoma cruzi
c.) Defined to as Leishmania donovani body
d.) Found intra cellulary


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