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Organisation Behaviour Question Paper

Organisation Behaviour 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2008

Question 1
a) The company you work for decided to wind up after poor business performance and failed re-organization problem. As a top manger discuss in details and within the framework of the study of organization behavior, the strategies you would use to communicate this information to the various stakeholders of this company .(15marks)
b) Discuss with clear and relevant examples the various ways in which you can learn about the culture in any organization (15marks)

Question 2
The concept of perception is very important in the understanding of an individual who is a central feature and part of every behavioral situation in the organization. However the perception process is at times riddled with bias subjective- ness and distortions which can lead to inaccurate behavioral analysis and decisions.(30marks)


a) The main factors that influence the accuracy of interpersonal perception and judgment made about other individuals in the organization (6marks)
b) Suggest the various ways you would use to increase accuracy in individual perception in the organization.(4marks)
c) Explain briefly the perceptual bias and distortions which hinder our clear understanding and judgment of people in the organization.(8marks)

d) What are the possible social implications in each of the above distortions? (2marks)
e) Explain the importance of the study perception process to a manager(5marks)
f) Clearly explain where this performance can be inferred from your study of the individual system and the perception process(5marks)

Section B
Question 3
a) Briefly explain the various stages of group formation and development (10marks)
b) Discuss the various methods of resolving conflict in the organization between people the organization and individuals.(10marks)

Question 4
a) Discuss with clear examples the various strategies used in overcoming resistance to change in the organization (10marks)
b) Explain the various role problems that an employee can be faced with in an organization (10marks)

Question 5
a) Explain in details and with clear example the importance and relevance of the study of organizational behavior to a student of management.(10marks)
b) Discuss in details the factors influencing the organizational behavior(10marks)

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