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International Business Question Paper

International Business 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2009

a) Define the term international business (2marks)
b) Explain the importance of international business to a business enterprise .(10marks)
c) After steering ABC to a greater profitability and expansion, john was transferred to head a subsidiary branch that the company had started in another country .He was however disappointed that the techniques and concepts he had used could not be applied in the foreign country .what can you attribute to this scenario?(10marks)
d) Discuss two political and economic factors that have taken place in Kenya within the last six years and show how they have influenced the conduct of international business(8marks)

a) Define the term culture explaining its main characteristics (6marks)
b) Explain the factors that an international business executive should take into account when assessing the cultural perceptiveness of a particular target country (14marks)
a) Citing relevant examples, discuss the various criteria that have been suggested for determining if a company is a multinational enterprise.(10marks)
b) Differentiate between free trade area customs union and common market (4marks)
c) Why do members of regional economic groupings sometimes have a tendency to be protectionist towards outsiders? (6marks)

Write short notes on the following concepts as used I international business
i. Joint ventures
ii. Direct Investment
iii. Franchising
iv. Portfolio investment
v. Strategic alliances (20marks)

Strategic management 2007 3rd diploma
Question 1
Corporate strategies address the overall strategies that an organization will follow .The three main strategies at the corporate level are directional, portfolio and parenting analysis strategies
a) What do understand by these strategies? (5marks)
b) Discuss each of these strategies and explain the major components of each strategy.(25marks)
a) Distinguish four of the following strategic management tools and show their importance to the organization .SWOT, IFAS, EFAS, KSF, KFF, PEST.(10marks)
b) The essence of strategic management is coping with competition which is basically rooted in the industry environment. Discuss how competitive forces shape the firms strategy.(10marks)

a) Define strategic management (2marks)
b) Describe some of the strategic management can offer to an organization (18marks)
Write short notes on the following terms as used in strategic management
a) Entrepreneurial mode
b) Sustained competitive advantage
c) Positioning school
d) Resource based view (20marks)
a) Describe porters five forces model and how it can be used to analyze external organization environment.(10marks)
b) Porters also propose two generic competitive strategies for outperforming other organizations in a particular industry; lower cost and differentiation .Differentiate these two and show how an organization can gain a competitive advantage from them.(10marks)

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