Communication Skills Examination Question Paper
Communication Skills Examination
Course:Bachelor Of Commerce
Institution: Kca University question papers
Exam Year:2011
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question one and any other two Questions
Question one (compulsory)
a) ‘ Communication competency is indispensable for successful participation in the world of
work’. Explain the likely consequences of following scenarios in reference to this
i) A high school teacher who is not computer literate
ii) A college student who is a poor listener
iii) A competent company manager but a poor communicator
iv) A haphazardly written CV and letter of job application
v) A secretary who is rude and impatient with clients on the phone (10 marks)
b) Identify an experience in which your attempt to communicate was a failure. What kind of
barriers did you encounter and what possible solutions would you recommend now.
(10 marks)
c) Job Vacancy: Kenya Cooperative Creameries LTD. We are seeking to recruit a dynamic and
result driven person to fill the position of: Training and Development Manager; must have a
minimum of a university degree in commerce; must have at least two years experience in a
management position. Write a letter applying for the position showing why you are well qualified
for the position. (10 marks)
Question two
a) Madam Castro has been invited to give a speech to parents, teachers and students of East Point
High School on their prize-giving day. Half way through her speech, she notices that most of
her audience were looking out through the window, others were dozing or yawning while the
rest were staring at her blankly
i) Identify five possible causes of the audience’s negative reactions
ii) What could she have done differently to appeal to her audience?
(10 marks)
b) The University is launching a new quarterly magazine. You have been appointed the editor of
the new magazine. Write a memo to the university fraternity appealing for articles to be
included in the magazine. The deadline for submitting the articles is in two weeks
(10 marks)
Question three
a) You are a co-owner of an employment agency assigned the duty of preparing potential
employees for interviews. Write an outline of ten most important considerations in preparing
for interviews and during the interviews. (10 marks)
b) Internet technology is a powerful communication tool to use for interpersonal communication
in an organization. Explain five positive aspects of internet use and five negative aspects of
internet use
Question four
a) You are the secretary of Jitegemee Self-Help group. The chairman has convened a meeting
with the following items in the agenda.
i) Opening a bank account
ii) Member contributions
iii) Investment
Write the minutes of this meeting. (10 marks)
b) Explain five duties of the chairman in this meeting (10 marks)
Question five
a) Kuuza Company is launching a new fruit juice product in the market. Recommend five
different channels you will use to advertise your new product. What considerations will
you make for effective advertising? (10 marks)
b) Your younger brother is about to sit for his KCSE and is looking up to you for advise on
how to excel in his academic work. Explain to him five important study skill techniques he
can use. (10 marks)
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