Kcse 2010 English Paper 101/1 Question Paper
Kcse 2010 English Paper 101/1
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2010
1 .You are the Chairperson of the Environmental Club which has just been newly introduced in your school. There is going to be an official launching of the club. Write a brief speech that you will deliver at the launch. Your speech should include the following: introduction, club officials, the objectives (aims) of the club, the activities to be carried out, conditions for membership, enrollment and any other relevant information. (20 marks)
2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word. (10 marks)
I met Frank as soon as he was 1 ................... from the hospital. He felt 2 ................... to be alive. His seat-belt had kept him from going 3 ................... the windscreen, and he had only a 4 ................... cheek and some double-vision to indicate he 5 ................... had a nearly fatal crash. In the weeks that followed, 6 ..................., I began to notice strange after effects. Frank forgot to return phone calls. One afternoon, while writing out payroll cheques for his staff, he repeatedly asked me the date. I watched as his pen froze over the yellow cheque-book. He would 7 ................... flip the pages to check the spelling of a colleague's name. At the piano, he played the same note over and over again, seemingly 8 ................... to proceed to the next. It 9 ................... be months before any of us were willing to accept the painful 10 ................... that his music career was over.
3. (a) Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.
When, in disgrace with Fortune and men's eyes, I all alone beweep my outcast state, And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, And look upon myself and curse my fate, Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, Featured like him, like him with friends possessed, Desiring this man's art and that man's scope, With what I most enjoy contented least, Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising; Haply I think on thee, and then my state, (Like to the lark at the break of day arising) From sullen earth sings hymns at heaven's gate,
For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings That then I scorn to change my state with kings.
(William Shakespeare's Sonnet 29)
(I) Identify any four pairs of words that rhyme in this poem (2 marks)
(ii) Give two instances of alliteration in this poem. (2 marks)
(iii) How would you say the words in brackets in this poem? (2 marks)
(iv) How would you perform the last two lines of this poem? (2 marks)
4. (b) Read the passage below and then answer the question that follows.
It's a cold, misty December morning. You hear the sharp screeching of brakes followed by a loud bang, then screams. You rush to the scene of the crash, where you find a car overturned with a young woman and two small boys inside. The woman and one of the boys climb from the wreckage unhurt; but the other boy is pinned between the dashboard and the roof of the car, groaning in pain. Kru, kru, km, you scratch your scalp as you try to remember your lessons in first aid.
Identify any four instances of onomatopoeia in the passage. (4 marks)
(c) For each of the following five words, write another word that is pronounced the same.
(i) past ............................................................
(ii) aren't .........................................................
(iii) hole ............."...............................................
(iv) what ...........................................................
(v) male ........................................................... (5 marks)
(d) For each of the following letters, provide a word in which the letter is silent. (i) (I)p....................................................................
(ii) b ....................................................................
(iii) 1 ....................................................................
(iv) n....................................................................
(v) t .................................................................... (5 marks)
(e) Your school choir is rehearsing a choral verse for the school's music festival. They are making a presentation for the rest of the school so as to get some feedback.
Give four things that the listeners need to pay attention to and explain why. (8 marks)
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