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Introduction To Sociology Question Paper

Introduction To Sociology 

Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Psychology

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2011

University of Nairobi
First Semester Examinations 2011/2012
First Year Examinations For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
CSO 101: Introduction to Sociology
Date: January 25, 2012 Time: 11.30.A.M.- 1.30.P.M.
Instructions: Answer only THREE questions
1. Define Sociology and use examples to outline the academic and practical value of Sociology.
2. After the release of 2011 KCPE results, a few cases of suicide have been reported by candidates with poor scores. Drawing from Emile Durkheim and the field of Sociology in general, how would you explain this unusual behavior in Kenyan society?
3. Outline the key factor that led to the emergency of Sociology as an academic discipline. In your answer capture the contributions of at least two founding fathers.
4. Discuss any five pre-qualifiers (PCQs) that have been identified by sociologists as being mandatory in defining any co-existential union as a family. What five factors make it difficult for modern family to perform its roles effectively?
5. Define a group and outline at least five traits that differentiate a group from a social aggregate. Identify four important functions of groups in your society.
6. Outline four factors leading social problems in your society. As a Sociology student, illustrate how you can help your society to address each of the four social problems.
7. Write short notes on any four of the following:
a) Universal and specialized norms.
b) Prestige and esteem
c) Political consciousness
d) Mechanical and organic solidarity
e) Conformity and defiant behavior
f) Sociological imagination
g) The three sociological perspectives

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