Cuu 100 Communication Skills (Day+Evening) Question Paper

Cuu 100 Communication Skills (Day+Evening) 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Kca University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer question ONE and any other TWO Questions
Question one
Improve the following sentences by omitting superfluous words.
a) His future prospects were not very promising
b) As chairman of three different companies he possessed very unique experience.
c) The surrounding circumstances do not justify payment of more than 500 shillings.
d) The company has a complete monopoly of the market.
e) We were warmly welcomes as soon as we entered the room.
f) Descending down the staircase she slipped and hurt herself.
g) The repairs you asked us to carry out are now quite completed.
h) The production of computers has now reached a high degree of perfection.
i) We enclose herewith a copy of the report.
j) We managed to trace the original source of the quotation.
(10 marks)
b) Explain the following and clearly indicate how they can hinder the smooth flow of
communication in an organization:
i) distortion
ii) grapevine communication
iii) attitude
iv) empire building
v) demarcation lines
vi) geographical distance
vii) language
viii) provision of channels of communication
ix) chain of command
x) built in resistance
(10 marks)
c) An organization recently trained its employees in the use of computers. However, the services of
the organization have not improved. Explain five possible reasons for this. (5 marks)
d) Highlight five reasons why a lecturer may wish to talk to an errant student rather than write
him/her a letter. (5 marks)
Question two
a) Explain the following graphic communication aids.
i) Photographs
ii) Organizational chart
iii) Films
iv) Posters
v) Billboards
(10 marks)
b) KCA University, where you are the DVC in charge of academics, held an open day last month.
The event was unsuccessful due to low turnout. Explain five communication problems that could
have contributed to this.
(10 marks)
Question three
a) You are the public relations officer in KCA University. The organizations image has been
tainted by some negative publicity. Explain the various measures the public relations officer could
take to counter the negative publicity.
(10 marks)
b) Write an essay entitled: how to curb student unrest in public institutions of learning.
(10 marks)
Question four
a) You are the DVC Academics at KCA University. New lecturers have recently been recruited
and you are required to give them a speech entitled: How to improve communication between the
students and the lecturers in the university. Write the speech. (10 marks)
b) Explain five different methods of communication that may be employed to get your message
across in face to face communication. (10 marks)
Question five
a) Highlight five circumstances under which the radio would be considered a suitable mode of
communication to convey a message. (5marks)
b) as the supervisor in the organization where you work, it has come to you notice that of late,
members of staff have been reporting to the office late, taking long tea and lunch breaks and
leaving early. Write a memorandum to them to address this matter. (10 marks)

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