Cms 104 E- Commerce Question Paper
Cms 104 E- Commerce
Course:Bachelor Of Commerce
Institution: Kca University question papers
Exam Year:2011
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question One and Any Other Two Questions
Question One
Read the Case study on cyber crime below and answer the questions that follow.
United States Attorney Carol C. Lam of
the Southern District of California and
John C. Richter, Acting Assistant
Attorney General for the Criminal
Division, U.S. Department of Justice,
announced some time back that the
indictments of Carlos Enrique Perez-
Melara -- the creator and marketer of a
spyware program called "Loverspy" -
and four others who used Loverspy
illegally to break into the computers and
illegally intercept the electronic
communications of others.
According to the indictment, which was
returned on July 21, 2005, and recently
unsealed, Loverspy was a computer
program designed and marketed by Mr.
Perez for people to use to spy on others.
Prospective purchasers, after paying $89
through a web site in Texas, were
electronically redirected to Perez's
computers in San Diego, where the
"members" area of Loverspy was
located. Purchasers would then select
from a menu an electronic greeting card
to send to up to five different victims or
email addresses. The purchaser would
draft an email sending the card and use a
true or fake email address for the sender.
Unbeknownst to the victims, once the
email greeting card was opened,
Loverspy secretly installed itself on their
computer. From that point on, all
activities on the computer, including
emails sent and received, web sites
visited, and passwords entered were
intercepted, collected and sent to the
purchaser directly or through Mr. Perez's
computers in San Diego. Loverspy also
gave the purchaser the ability remotely
to control the victim's computer,
including accessing, changing and
deleting files, and turning on webenabled
cameras connected to the victim
computers. Over 1,000 purchasers from
the United States and the rest of the
world purchased Loverspy and used it
against more than 2,000 victims. Mr.
Perez's operations were shut down by a
federal search warrant executed in
October 2003.
i) Identify and explain three types of cyber crimes that Mr. Perez can be charged with
in a court of law. (6 Marks)
ii) Identify three ways in which the crimes could have been perpetrated (6 Marks)
iii) Discuss five security measures that the victims could have put in place to protect
their computers from these attacks. (10 Marks)
b) Your company wishes to start its operations online. As an employee who has studied ECommerce,
advise the management on the following:
i) Different methods of acquiring customers through the internet (2 Marks)
ii) Different methods for retaining customers (4 Marks)
iii) Different techniques to increase customer involvement in an organization.
(2 Marks)
Question Two
a) Discuss the concept of E-Commerce from any four different perspectives (8 Marks)
b) Discuss three primary forces fuelling E commerce (6 Marks)
c) There are a number of different types of E-Commerce. Describe three types of E-commerce
(6 Marks)
Question Three
a) Discuss five types of models for E- commerce (10 Marks)
b) Recently, several innovations have helped to simplify consumer payments. Discuss three such
innovations in E- Commerce (6 Marks)
c) Discuss two legal issues for internet commerce (4 Marks)
Question Four
a) Discuss four properties of electronic cash (8 Marks)
b) Discuss four benefits of electronic checks (8 Marks)
c) Identify four online publishing approaches (4 Marks)
Question Five
a) To make a credit card transaction truly secure and non refutable, describe sequence of steps that
must occur before actual goods, services, or funds flow (10 Marks)
b) Discuss the changing role of marketing professionals in internet- Marketing
(10 Marks)
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