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Constitutional Law Ii Question Paper

Constitutional Law Ii 

Course:Canon Law

Institution: Catholic University Of Eastern Africa question papers

Exam Year:2010

Q1. With the aid of specific provisions of the old and new constitution, any enabling legislation, parliamentary standing orders or even commonwealth parliamentary practice. Discuss how the Kenyan legislature exercises or can exercise financial oversight over the executive noting to evaluate the effectiveness of parliament in exercising such oversight. (30 marks)
Q2. With the aid of decided cases discuss the role of preamble provisions and directive principles in a constitution. (20 marks)
Q3. Write short notes on
a) Definition of executive power.
b) Types of executive power
c) Executive structures
d) Manifestations of executive power
e) Characteristics of executive power.
(20 marks)
Q4. One of the challenges of constitution making processes is to ensure the political neutrality of the civil service, without compromising the need for loyalty to the government of the day. How was this challenge met in the old constitution and how has it been met in the new constitution? (20 marks)
Q5. Using examples from the United States, South Africa and the New constitution of Kenya Discuss how legislative power can be limited. (20 marks)

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