Advanced Software Engineering First Year Stage Examination Question Paper

Advanced Software Engineering First Year Stage Examination 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Information Technology

Institution: Kca University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer question ONE and any other TWO questions
a) Using an example explain the CATWOE analysis (6 Marks)
b) Define the terms in Software Designing : (4 Marks)
(i) Abstraction:
(ii) Modularity:
c) How does extreme programming support user-centered design (2 Marks)
d) Describe how prototyping supports requirements engineering (3 Marks)
e) Describe advantages of software development with reuse? (4 Marks)
f) Most businesses today are often required to build e-commerce and e-business applications very
rapidly in order to remain competitive. Name and describe three system-building methods that are
normally used. (6 Marks)
g) You are in the contract stage of a project and are developing a comprehensive proposal for a safety
critical software system. Your director has consulted you for preparing a guideline document what
will enlist user’s role during acceptance testing phase. Indicate the key roles you feel that the user
should play during acceptance stage. (5 Marks)
There have been many different approaches to the analysis and design of objectoriented systems.
These approaches are often described as “hard”. This is in contrast to “soft” approaches such as Soft
Systems Methodology. A number of methodologists have suggested that “hard” and “soft” approaches
should be used together in a single “blended” development method.
a) What are the key features of Soft Systems Methodology and under what circumstances might it be
useful? (10 Marks)
b) Discuss, with examples, how hard and soft techniques might be applied together as a blended
development environment method. (10 Marks)
Since no two development projects are the same, there is no single “best” systems development
methodology. Which type of methodology would you recommend for the following projects? Provide
a justification for EACH of your answers but do not describe the methodologies in detail,
a) The School of Systems Engineering at the University of Anytown has a serious business problem.
Most of their students withdraw during the first year of the course. They have no idea why this is
happening but suspect that a variety of personal issues are involved. They hope to address the problem
by developing an online student information system. (5 Marks)
b) An independent bookshop wishes to develop an accounting system that will run on a stand-alone
PC. (5 Marks)
c) A large corporation would like to develop an executive information system that will extract key
strategic information from their existing databases to help senior executives in their decision making.
( 5 Marks)
d) A large chain of retail stores would like to develop an information system to automate the sales
transactions and manage inventory at each store. The system would be installed at each store and
exchange data with a mainframe located at the head office.
In this case, we should probably ask the manager to consider the benefits, and disadvantages of the two
methodologies, the efforts and costs to change methodology and train the existing team on a different
one, and the effect on the value to the customer. (5 Marks)
You have recently been promoted and appointed Project Manager within the Information Systems
department of a large organization. Your first assignment will be to plan and manage a major
development project for the organization for which additional temporary analysts, designers and
programmers will need to be hired to work alongside permanent staff. The project is likely to take
about eighteen months.
The Board of Directors have the opinion that past IS projects have been over time, over budget and not
delivering what was required and as a result, they are very cautious. They have requested that you
deliver a formal presentation to them at their next Board Meeting. You are required to show how you
intend to manage the project and especially, how you will control costs and timescales. The Board
have allocated you thirty minutes for your presentation. Your previous experience as an Assistant
Project Manager leads you to believe that in the past, the Board of Directors have been less than
helpful to its project managers.
In the opinion of the Board of Directors, past IS projects have been over time, over budget and not
delivering what was required. You wish to avoid these problems.
a) Name and briefly describe FIVE methods that you could use to help to develop the best possible
estimate for the effort (time and cost) required for your project. ( 5 Marks)
b) Select TWO methods from your answer to part a) that you consider to be the most appropriate for
this project, and describe how you would use them to create an estimate. (10 Marks)
c) Describe the procedures that you would use to ensure that deliverables produced during your
project are according to what is required. ( 5 Marks)
The following class diagram relates to an advertising agency that invoices their customers for the
screening on television of adverts that the agency has created for them.
When a customer wishes to make payment they initiate the following collaborations between objects:-
The Customer>PayInvoice method is triggered.
The PayInvoice method triggers the Invoice>CalculatePayment method.
The CalculatePayment method gets details of each Screening and triggers
Advert>FetchPrice to find out the price of each screening.
a) Represent the collaborations described above in a sequence diagram. ( 5 Marks)
b) Represent the collaborations above in a UML collaboration diagram. ( 5 Marks)
c) Why does UML support both sequence and communication diagrams? ( 5 Marks)
d) How should we cross-check sequence and communication diagrams against other UML models?
(5 Marks)

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