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Tec 114: Basic Mechanics. Question Paper

Tec 114: Basic Mechanics. 

Course:Bachelor Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering

Institution: Moi University question papers

Exam Year:2011

TEC 114: Basic Mechanics

1. A load of mass 1350kg lies on a gradient inclined at 60 to the horizontal. For static friction u=0.5, for kinetic friction, u=0.4. Calculate;
a. The pull parallel to the gradient required to prevent the load sliding down

b. The pull required to haul the load up the gradient at uniform speed

2. The force required to haul a load of 500kg along a horizontal surface is 1.2 kN. Find:

a. The force parallel to a track of slope 20 degrees required to haul the load up the incline

b. The force required to lower it down the incline at steady speed. Assume the coefficient of friction to be the same in all cases.

3. A 1500 kg boat is winched steadily up a slip inclined at 25 degrees to the horizontal. If u= 0.5 for the surface contact of the boat and slip, find the force in the winch cable, which is parallel to the slip

4. A body of mass m on a rough plane inclined at 20 degrees to the horizontal is moved steadily up the plane by a force of 200 N applied upwards and parallel to the plane. When the force is reduced to 75N, the body slides downwards. Find the values of m and u

5. A body of mass 100 kg is at rest on a plane inclined at 20 degrees to the horizontal. A force P is applied to pull the body up the plane, directed at an angle of 20 degrees to the plane, i.e. at 40 degrees to the horizontal. If u=0.2, calculate the value of P:
a. When the body is just about to move up the plane
b. When the body is on the point of sliding down the plane

6. A load of 300kg will just start to slide down a 25 degree slope. What horizontal force will be required to haul the load up the slope at constant speed?
What is the least force required to haul the load up the incline? State the direction of this least force

7. A load of mass 100 kg rests on a rough plane inclined at 20 degrees to the horizontal. If u= 0.5 find the least force required to move the load;
a. Up the plane
b. Down the plane.

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