Leadership And Team Building Question Paper
Leadership And Team Building
Course:Bachelor Of Science In Information Technology
Institution: Kca University question papers
Exam Year:2011
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer question ONE and any other TWO questions
At the beginning of this year, John, a senior software designer, got an offer from a prestigious
international firm to work in its Kenya operations developing specialized software. He was thrilled by
the offer. He had heard a lot about the CEO of this company, a charismatic man often quoted in the
business press for his visionary attitude.
The company had all the right systems in place – employee – friendly human resources (HR) policies,
a spanking new office and other perks, the best technology and canteen that served superb food. Twice
John was sent abroad for training. “My learning curve is the sharpest it’s ever been,” he said soon after
he joined. “It’s real high working with such cutting edge technology.”
Last week, less than eight months after he joined, John walked out of the job. He has no other offer in
hand but he said he couldn’t take it anymore. Others in his department have also quit recently. The
CEO is distressed about the high employee turnover, the money he’s spent in training them. He can’t
figure out what happened. John quit for the same reasons that drive many good people away. ‘People
don’t leave bad organizations, they leave……’
a) What are the Facts and Issues of the case? [4Marks]
b) “People don’t leave bad organizations, they leave….” Substantiate. [6Marks]
c) “You can leave one job to find – you guessed it, another wolf in a pin-stripe suit in the next
one.” Analyze this statement in relation to the case study. [6Marks]
d) “If you work for a jerk, you basically want to get him into trouble. You don’t have your heart
and soul in the job.” Analyze. [6Marks]
e) As an effective manager, how could you solve the problem. [8Marks]
Raj Gopolan, Anil and Deep Shikha have something in common. They all were promoted in their
organizations into management positions. And each found the transition a challenge.
Raj Gopalan was promoted to the director of catering for the sager group of restaurants in New Delphi.
With the promotion, he realized things will never be the same again. No longer would he be able to
participate in water-cooler gossip or shrug off an employee’s chronic lateness. He says he found his
new role too daunting. “At first I was like a bulldozer knocking everyone over, and that was not well
received. I was saying” It’s my way or the highway, and was forgetting that my friends were also in
transition.” He admits that his style alienated just about everyone with who he worked.
Anil, a technical manager at satyam computers talks about the uncertainty he felt after
being promoted to a manager from a junior programmer, “It was a little bit challenging to be suddenly
giving directives to peers, when just the day you were one of them. You try to be careful not to offend
anyone. It’s strange walking into a room and the whole conversation changes. People don’t want to be
open with you when you become the boss.”
Deepshikha is now president of maxlife insurance, Mumbai. She started as a customer
representative with the company, then leapfrogged over colleagues in a series of promotions. Her fast
rise created problems, colleagues “would say,’oh, here comes the big cheese now.’ God only knows
what they talked about behind my back”
a) i. Briefly explain why new managers rely on selecting the right leadership style when they move
into management. [4 Marks]
ii. From the above case, what is the importance of leadership and leadership training? [6 Marks]
iii. Discuss the leadership theories that could help new leaders deal with transition. [10 Marks]
a) Briefly explain how personal power contributes to an influential leader. [3 Marks]
b) Give reasons why politicians are regarded as powerful. [3 Marks]
c) Discuss the types of power that can exist in any organization giving illustrations on how they can
be achieved [14 Marks]
Vivek has only four employees at his public relations firm –media front. But he seems to have done a
pretty good job of alienating them.
According to his employees, Vivek, 47, is a brilliant guy who has a lot to learn in terms of being a
better communicator. His communication style appears to be a regular source of conflict in his firm.
Vivek admits he has a problem. ”I am probably not verbally reinforcing [as I could be] when someone
is doing a good job. I’m a very self-confident person. I don’t need to be told I am, doing a good job-but
there people who do.”
Vivek’s employees had no problem listing off things that he does that bother them. He doesn’t meet
deadlines; he does a poor job of communicating with clients (which often puts the employees in an
uncomfortable position);he doesn’t listen fully to employee ideas before dismissing them; his voice
tone is frequently condescending; and he’s often quick to criticize employees and is stingy with praise.
i. According to the above Case what is the problem in this organization. [2 Marks]
ii. What does this case suggest regarding the relationship between reinforcement and
communication? [10 Marks]
iii. What can Vivek do to improve the situation? [8 Marks]
a) Discuss any four characteristics of an effective leader [8 Marks]
b) Explain any three types of teams [9 Marks]
c) What is 360-degree feedback [3 Marks]
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