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Cre Catholic Diocese Homabay Paper 1  Question Paper

Cre Catholic Diocese Homabay Paper 1  


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2012

1(a) Describe the order of creation as revealed in the first creation account.
(b)What is ment by the expression "the Bible is the word of God".
(c)State eight ways in which Bible translations facilitated the spread of the Gospel in Kenya.
2(a)Identify seven conditions given to the Israelities during the renewal of the covenant.
(b)With reference to Genesis 22:1-19,state lessons Christians learn from the incident when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac.
(c)What is the relevance of Decalogue to Christians today?
3(a)Relate the dangers of kingship as foreseen by prophet Samuel.
(b)Highlight eight characteristics of the Canaanite region.
(c)Outline the role the church is playing in stamping out corruption today?
4(a)In what ways can a christian identify a false prophet?
(b)What didi prophet Amos teach on the day of the Lord?
(c)State six ways in which Christians use their talents to promote evangelism in kenya today?
5(a)Give five reasons why the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem was important to Nehemiah''s people?
(b)Identify the symbolic acts used by prophet Jeremiah to demonstrate God''s judgement and punishment to the Israelites.
(c) Describe the suffering and lamentations of prophet Jeremiah
6(a)Explain the responsibilities of the living towards the ancestors in traditional African societies
(b)Give reasons why naming ceremony is important in traditonal African communities.
(c)write down reasons why dispute over land were rare in traditional African communities.

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