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Refrigeration Paper Question Paper

Refrigeration Paper 


Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2012

ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 1. Draw absorption refrigerator and by using a block diagram explain how refrigeration process takes place at every stage and name its FIVE principle parts. (40 marks) 2. (a) Define air conditioning. (5 marks) (b) Name TWO refrigerant metering devices (4 marks) (c) (i) Explain what you understand in relation to conditioning. (5 marks) (ii) Give the two methods used in controlling humidity in the air. (6 marks) 3. (a) Name the TWO options that are used in cold chain, explaining how each is used and the equipment involved. (8 marks) (b) Name FOUR factors that need to be considered when choosing cold chain equipment. (8 marks) (c) Given that vaccine net volume required is 60 litres. Calculate the volume of the refrigerator required using the fridge volume factor. (4 marks) 4. (a) Define the term inventory regarding to cold chain equipment. (5 marks) (b) State FIVE factors that necessitate the carrying out of inventory. (5 marks)

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