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Buss 217 : Managment Information Systems Question Paper

Buss 217 : Managment Information Systems 

Course:Business And Management Studies

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) In systems view approach, what is meant by a ‘system’? (2marks)

b) What is the significance of a knowledge engineer in the implementation of an expert system? (4marks)

c) Analyse any three reasons why organizations adopt business Information systems (6marks)

d) Identify and briefly explain two kinds of structural organizational change which are enabled by information technology. (4marks)

e) Information system can be categorized as Personal, Group-based or Enterprise-wide systems. Using relevant illustrations, describe each of the three types of Information system (9marks)

f) Distinguish between technical and behavioral approaches to Information Systems. Give a relevant example in each case. (5marks)

Question 2

a) A key feature is Executive Information Systems is the Drill down facility.

i. Describe what a drill down feature is (3marks)

ii. How does the drill down feature help managers in decision making? Give relevant illustration (5marks)

b) Many Organizations have embraced Group Decision support systems (GDSS) as a tool in decision making process.

i. Identify and explain three benefits of using GDSS (6marks)

ii. Discuss the components of a GDSS (6marks)

Question 3

a) Seven key elements making a system include Inputs, Interfaces, Outputs, Storage, Components, Boundary, and Environment. Using a college examination management system example, explain the role of each element. (14marks)

b) Represent the above case in a context diagram. (6marks)

Question 4

Individuals and organizations can invest in e-commerce sites as part of their business operations. However to be effective, the e-commerce sites must meet certain requirements.

a) Discuss factors to consider in building an effective e-commerce site. (10marks)

b) Highlight possible drawbacks that e-commerce driven businesses may face especially in developing countries. (6marks)

c) Describe two technology related challenges that businesses dependent on e-commerce face. (4marks)

Question 5

a) Explain why it is important to carry out user acceptance testing when building and implementing a new Information system. (4marks)

b) Among other system development methodologies prototyping method is commonly used approach.

i) What is a prototype? (2 marks)

ii) In what circumstances can prototyping be suitable to build Information systems? (6 marks)

c) Discuss four system change over techniques. (8marks)

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