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Bio425: Biotechnology And Development Question Paper

Bio425: Biotechnology And Development 

Course:Agriculture And Natural Resource

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer ALL Questions in Section A, and ANY TWO in Section B.

SECTION A (30marks)

Question One
a) Define the following terms: (10marks)
i) DNA
ii) Gene cloning
iii) Gene mapping
iv) Cosmid
v) Lambda phage
b) Differentiate between plasmid vectors and lambda vectors. (10marks)
c) Identify key components of genetic engineering . (3marks)
d) i) Outline the basic features of bacteriophage. (4marks)
ii) List THREE methods of DNA transfection. (3marks)


Question Two

Discuss how molecular genetics and tissue culture techniques have been used to:-
a) i) Improve coffee production. (6marks)
ii) Nitrogen fixation in plants. (5marks)
b) i) Define the term cloning vector. (1mark)
ii) Outline the qualities of a good cloning vector. (8marks)

Question Three
a) Outline the basic steps in gene cloning. (5marks)
b) Explain the biological implications of genetically engineered recombinant
human insulin. (12marks)
c) List THREE human proteins that have been synthesized from genes
cloned in bacteria and conditions they treat. (3marks)

Question Four

Discuss the use of bacteriophage lambda as a vector rather than a plasmid.

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