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Development Planning Question Paper

Development Planning 

Course:Bachelor Of Economics

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2011

University Of Nairobi
Second semester Examinations 2011/2012
Third Year Examinations for the Degree of Bachelors of Economics and Bachelor of Arts
XEA 302/CEC 302: Development Planning
Date: September 26, 2012 Time: 12.00AM-2.00PM

Answer Question 1 and any other TWO questions

Question one (1)

Clearly distinguish the following:
a) Backward and forward linkages
b) Public and private goods
c) Pareto optimum and social optimum
d) Fiscal and monetary policies.

Question two (2)

a) Briefly discuss five (5) stages of policy formulation process and their relevance to National Planning.
b) What are the principal concerns of National planning?
c) Discuss any four 4 challenges of National Planning.

Question three (3)

Critically evaluate the role of Agriculture in economic development and identify at least seven (7) constraints to the growth of the sector.

Question four 4

a) Why is National Planning as a process both political and bureaucratic?
b) Discuss briefly the role of programs and projects in economic development.
c) Explain clearly any four (4) areas of investment appraisal.

Question five (5)

a) Explain the functions that a financial system is expected to perform and state whether Kenya’s financial system has been able to fulfill these functions.
b) Identify and briefly explain any two (2) planning models as applied in National Planning process.

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