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Ansc 352: Non Ruminant Animal Production Question Paper

Ansc 352: Non Ruminant Animal Production 


Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2013

Answer all questions in section A and any two in section B
Question one
a) Explain the functions of the following structures in a pig unit (6 marks)
i. Guard rail
ii.Creep area
b) Feed is given adlibitum to growing pigs but restricted for finishing pigs. Explain (6 marks)
Question two
a) List and explain three common egg abnormalities showing how they occur. (6 marks)
b) Failure to lay eggs is one of the main reasons for culling chicken. Explain three ways of identifying non laying chickens (6 marks)
c) List and explain the components of a chick brooding unit (6 marks)
Question three
a) What are some of the causes of stress in poultry and how can they be controlled (10 marks)
b) Describe the deep litter system of poultry rearing (10 marks)
Question four
Discuss the management of piglets from day old to marketing at 90kg. (20 marks)
Question five
Pig industry is second only to poultry industry in importance in the world. However in Kenya the industry is so small that it is usually ignored
a) What are the possible reasons for this situation. (10 marks)
b) Recommend intervention measures required to motivate more farmers to keep pigs (10 marks)

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