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Zool 210: Anatomy And Physiology Question Paper

Zool 210: Anatomy And Physiology 

Course:Agriculture And Natural Resource

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Answer all questions in section A and two from section B
Question One
a. Illustrate the following anatomical positions using diagrams
i. Anterior (1 mark)
ii. Proximal (1 mark)
iii.Cross section (1 mark)
b. List down three functions of the lymph (3 marks)
c. Using diagrams explain how the molar tooth is adapted to its functions. (3 marks)
d. What are the functions of the epithelial cells (3 marks)
Question Two
a. Write short notes on the following hormones
i. Oestrogene (2 marks)
ii.Antidiuretic hormone (2 marks)
b. Using diagrams explain how exhalation differs from inhalation (4 marks)
Question Three
a. Myopia is one of the major eye defects
i. Using diagrams explain what causes the defect (2 marks)
ii.Illustrate how the defect is corrected using lenses (2 marks)
b. Discuss steps that occur during blood clotting (3 marks)
c. Differentiate between positive feedback mechanisms from negative feedback mechanisms using relevant examples (3 marks)
Question Four
a. Draw and label the transfers section of the heart (8 marks)
b. What are the differences between arteries and veins (6 marks)
c. Write short notes on the following blood related diseases
i. Leukemia (3 marks)
ii Anaemia (3 marks)
Question Five
Discuss the skin under the following headings
i. Structures (5 marks)
ii. Functions (6 marks)
iii.In what ways is the skin adapted to its functions (6 marks)
iv. Albinism (3 marks)
Question Six
a. Give details account of the changes that occur to a meal made up of ugali and beef after consumption. (10 marks)
b. Draw a transverse section of a villus and explain how it perfects its functions (6 marks)
c. What are the functions of the liver? (4 marks)

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