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Comp 100: Computer Application Question Paper

Comp 100: Computer Application 

Course:Computer Applications

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer question ONE and any other TWO questions.
Question One
i. Computer development has gone through Five generations. Explain the first Four generations and the technologies used in each. (8 marks)
ii. With an example explain an icon. (2 marks)
iii.List any four parts available on the task-bar. (4 marks)
iv. Convert 61732 base 8 to base 10 (3 marks)
v. Convert 49.625 base 10 to binary. (3 marks)
vi. Convert 110101 base 2 to base 10 (3 marks)
vii.Convert 0.100101010100 base 2 to base octal. (3 marks)
viii.Explain any four features available on the formatting toolbar (4 marks)
Question Two
i) Explain spread sheet program (2 marks)
ii) It is important to use the correct syntax and format of a function for correct results. Explain the structure of a function. (4 marks)
iii)Explain how you would add a range using the Auto sum function (4 marks)
iv) Explain the meaning of the following keyboard short cuts. (4 marks)
- F1
- CTRL + B
- CTRL + C
v) Explain any four functions of an operating system (4 marks)
Question Three
a) Explain the following mode of operation and modes of access (16 marks)
i. Multiprocessing
iii.Batch processing
iv. Remote job entry
v. Interactive computing
vi. Multi-access
vii.Time sharing
b)Discuss any four advantages of using networked system (4 marks)
Question Four
i. With the help of a diagram explain the role of a modem during data transmission (6 marks)
ii. Explain five factors to consider when choosing software (10 marks)
iii.Explain the procedure of recovering objects or file from recycle bin. (4 marks)

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