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Form Four Term 1 English Cat Question Paper

Form Four Term 1 English Cat 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2013


1. Functional writing. (10 marks)
Imagine the performance of your school has been going down year after year. The principal commissioned you as the head girl to form a committee to investigate the causes of this trend. Write a report on this suggesting the possible remedial measures. In your report, consider the following areas. 1. Syllabus coverage 2. Discipline 3. Boarding facilities 4. Co-curricular activities

Cloze Test

Fill in each of the blank spaces in the passage below with the most appropriate word. Most parents want to see ......... children prosper academically. To this end, some try to do ......... in their power to ensure their children have no hindrances to achieving excellence. But ......... this dedication the report forms portray ......... same remarks term after term: "John ......... slow to grasp simple concepts, John needs to ......... more effort into his work, John shows no interest in classwork" etc. What the remarks never point ......... is that John''s poor grades could have everything ......... Do will the fact that be has a ......... disability. As difficulty as this is to accept about ......... child, it is something that requires serious considerations and intervention.

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