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Business Studies Form Four Cat Ii Question Paper

Business Studies Form Four Cat Ii 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2013

1. State four benefits that a farmer may derive from being a member of of a producer cooperative society. (4mks)
2. Highlight four benefits of globalization to a business enterprise (4mks)
3. What is the full meaning of the initials IPO as used in business. (2mks)
4. Outline four factors that inhibit entrepreneurial development in Kenya (2mks)
5. State four ways in which a good filing system may facilitate the operation in an office (4mks)
6. Highlight four reasons why hawking is on the increase in Kenya (4mks)
7. Highlight four advantages of a bonded warehouse to the government (4mks)
8. The government of Kenya has been involved in business activities in various ways. List four reasons for this (4mks)
9. Indicate whether the following items form either internal or external business environment (4mks)
10. State four contents of partnership act (4mks)
11. The government is currently privatizing some of its parastatals. Highlight four benefits that accrue from this move (4mks)

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