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Cre Std Six Question Paper

Cre Std Six 

Course:Primary Level

Institution: Kcpe question papers

Exam Year:2012

EMBAKASI CLUSTER STD SIX END TERM ONE EXAM 1. One of the following prophets foretold that Jesus would be called prince of peace. Who was he A. Jeremiah B. Isaiah C. Ezekiel D. Amos 2. Abraham was told to offer Isaac as a sacrifice on mount A. Herob B. Moriah C. Sinai D. Zion 3. Which one of the following was the main responsibility given to man in the garden of Eden A. Cultivate and take care of the garden B. Have many children and fill the earth C. Eat the fruits of the garden D. Marry Eve 4. The following are ways through which people got new life in traditional African society. Which one is not A. Initiation B. Baptism C. Marriage D. Birth 5. The following happened during Passover in Egypt except A. The angel passed over the houses of Israelites B. They slaughtered a young goat or lamb C. They smeared blood on the door posts of their houses D. First borns of Israelites were killed. 6. During holy communion we should all share the meal to show A. How the church is divided B. Unity of all Christians C. Christianity and other religions D. How Christians should suffer. 7. The prophet who through the power of the holy spirit predicted about great famine over the entire roman world was A. Paul B. Isaiah C. Elijah D. Agabus 8. Who among the following was a tent maker as well as a disciple A. Paul B. James C. John D. Andrew 9.............. wondered how they could feed five thousand people A. John B. James C. Philip D. Andrew 10. "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world" who said these words A. Jesus christ B. Apostle Paul C. Prophet Isaiah D. John the baptist 11. When God looked at everything He had made He was A. Very happy B. Very comfortable C. Not satisfied D. Very pleased 12. Which among the following is not a gift of the holy spirit A. Faith B. Goodness C. Love D. Peace 13. John and James were nicknamed A. Men of love B. Men of hope C. Men of thunder D. Men of courage 14. The story of the prodigal son teaches Christians one of the following A. Patience and tolerance B. Humility and selfishness C. Repentance and forgiveness D. Faith and honesty 15. Which one of the following was not,eaten by the Israelites during the Passover A. Bitter herbs B. Fruits C. Meat D. Unleavened bread 16. ........... promised God that if He gave a son she will dedicate the son to work for Him A. Hannah B. Naomi C. Mary D. Sarah 17. The story of Gideon in the Bible teaches us that A. We should always do what is right B. We should respond towards the guidance of the holy spirit C. We should complain to God to give us guidance D. We should fear God 18. According to prophet Jeremiah, the new covenant would be different from the old one because the law would be A. Sealed by an animal blood B. Written im hearts of people C. Written on stone tablets D. Only for Christians 19. According to 2 timothy 3:16-17, who wrote the bible A. God himself B. Special people inspired by God C. Prophets D. God through Jesus Christ 20. Adam and Eve were sent away from the garden of Eden because A. They were cheated by the holy spirit B. They were naked C. They disobeyed God D. They ate the forbidden fruit 21. Elimelech was a husband to A. Naomi B. Ruth C. Hannah D. Orpha 22. In traditional African society it was the work of ......... to help people forgive each other A. Parents B. Witch doctor C. Grandparents D. Elders 23. Mary a girl in your class gears that she may be HIV positive because her parents died of AIDS. Which is the best advice to give her A. Wait to see what happens B. Visit a hospital for VCT C. Pray hard to be HIV negative D. Discuss her fear with the classmates 24. As a Christian one should obey those in authority because A. Its God''s command B. So that they can promote us C. We fear them D. They are powerful 25. The disciples received the holy spirit when they were in A. Nazareth B. Egypt C. Jerusalem D. Jericho 26............ and David were good friends A. Saul B. Jonathan C. Elijah D. Samuel 27. God called me to be a prophet when I was still a young man. He stretched out His hand and touched my lips and told me that he had given me power to speak His word. Who am I? A. Isaiah B. Moses C. Samuel D. Jeremiah 28. Prophet Elijah was helped by a rich widow in A. Zeraphath B. Asyriah C. Shunem D. Bethlehem 29. The people of the early church lived in unity and shared with one another ......... they owned. A. Parts of what B. None of what C. Everything D. Half of what 30. When Moses was called by God he was living in A. Egypt B. Haran C. Midian D. Nazareth.

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