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Computer Studies Form Two Question Paper

Computer Studies Form Two 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2013

1 a). What is a word processor ? (1mk) b) state three purpose of word processor (3mks) c) Name four functions performed by a word processor (3mks) d) what is meant by the terms creating and editing a document (2mks) 2 a) Distinguish between the autocomplete and auto correct feature in word processor (2mks) b) Give and explain four text alignments features (4mks) 3 a) differentiate between hardcopy and softcopy (2mks) b) list three types of printers you can use to print your document (3mks) 4 state three application areas of spread sheets (3mks) 5 How can you insert a row in a microsoft excel worksheet (3mks) 6 explain how you can start and exit microsoft access (4mks) 7 state and explain four types of action queries found in microsoft access (4mks) 8 a) explain five uses of internet (5mks) b) explain the meaning of the term internet service provider (ISP) (2mks) 9 a) define a computer virus (1mk) b) explain two types of viruses (2mks) 10 state and explain any six types of computer crimes (6mks)

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