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Word Processors Question Paper

Word Processors 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2013

1) differentiate between drawing and inserting a table in a document (2mks) 2) define the term cell in reference to tables (2mks) 3) give reasons why it may be necessary to merge cells in a table (2mks) 4) define the term sorting. (1mk) 5) explain how you can convert some typed text into a table using microsoft word (4mks) 6) define each of the following (3mks) a)a form letter b)a data source c)mail merge 7) differentiate between hardcopy and softcopy (2mks) 8) list three types of printers you can use to print your document (3mks) 9)highlight four problems you are likely to encounter when printing a document. In each case, suggest a solution .(8mks) 10) define the term graphic and give three examples . (4mks) 11) list three sources of graphics that can be used in microsoft word (3mks) 12) what is an autoshape ? (2mks) 13) what is the difference between object linking and embedding (2mks) 14) explain the concept of importing objects into a word processor (2mks)

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