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Geography Form One Question Paper

Geography Form One 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

1) what is a Geography ? (2mks) 2) describe three branches of Geograhy (6mks) 3) what is a solar system ? (2mks) 4) list three planets with satellites (3mks) 5) distinguish between meteors and meteorites (2mks) 6) describe the formation of the earth as proposed by the passing star theory (5mks) 7 a) differentiate between rotation and revolution of the earth (2mks) b) state five effects of the earth''s rotation . (5mks) 8 a) what is an eclipse (2mks) b) with aid of a well labelled diagram , explain how a lunar eclipse occurs . (5mks) 9) state five evidences to prove that the earth is spherical (5mks) 10) define the term ecosystem ? (2mks) 11 a) define the term statistics , statistical data and statistical method (3mks) b) outline five qualities of a good questionnaire (5mks) c) what is wind rose ? (1mk)

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