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Form 1 Geography Paper 1 Question Paper

Form 1 Geography Paper 1 


Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2006

SECTION A: Answer all questions.
1(a) How does sea breeze occur? (2mks) (b) Use the map of Africa below to answer question (b)(i) Name the ocean current marked H,J and K. (3mks). (ii) State two effects of warm ocean current on the adjacent coastlands.(2mks)
(2)Give two processes involved in each of the following: (a)physical weathering(2mks) (b) chemical weathering(2mks)
(3) The diagram below shows the composition of the solar system. (a) Name the planets marked F and G(2mks) (b) State three effects of the rotation of the eath on its axis.(3mks)
(4)(a) Name two scales used to measure the intensity of an earthquake.(2mks)
(b) Give three causes of earthquakes(3mks).
(5) The table below represents rainfall and temperature figures for a town in Africa. Use it to answer the questions that follow. (a)(i) Calculate the annual temperature for the town (1mrk) (i) Calculate the total annual rainfall for the town(1mrk) (b) State two characteristics of the climate experienced in the town (2mrks)

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