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Christian Religious Education Form Two Question Paper

Christian Religious Education Form Two 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2013

1 a) list any five historical books in old testament (5mks) b) Give reasons why the bible is important to christians (5mks) 2 a) Give reasons why moses was reluctant to go back to Egypt ? (5mks) b) what do christians learn from the call of moses ? (5mks) 3 a) Outline any six rituals performed during the birth of a baby in tradional african communities (6mks) b) why is the rite of initiation important in Traditional African society ? (7mks) 4 a) explain reason why Jesus chose the twelve disciples (6mks) b) how do christians prepare themselves for the kingdom of God today ? (6mks) 5 a) Relate the parable of the prodigal son (8mks) b) what lessons do we learn from the parable of the prodigal son (7mks) 6 a) explain Jesus teachings on the cost of discipleship (5mks) b) why do some christians find it difficult to follow jesus'' teachings ? (5mks)

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