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Christian Religious Education Form One Question Paper

Christian Religious Education Form One 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2013

1 Explain six qualities of a good leader drawn from king David (12mks) 2 State five promises made to David by God through Prophet Nathan (5mks) 3 Highlight six reasons against kingship in israel (6mks) 4 What do you learn from king saul''s failures ? (10mks) 5 Name five elements of israelites worship which have been carried over to the church today . (5mks) 6 Name three contents of the Ark of the covenant (3mks) 7 Name three canaanite tribes (3mks) 8 Name the ten plagues God sent to the Egyptians in order (10mks) 9 state five features of a covenant (5mks) 10 state five examples of covenants in modern life (5mks) 11 identify five Abraham''s acts of faith (5mks) 12 what is the relevance of Abraham''s faith to christians today ? (6mks) 13 describe the six steps taken by God to reconcile with man (12 mks) 14 list five bible versions in kenya (5mks) 15 explain the effects of translation of Bible into African languages (8mks)

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