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History And Government Form 1 Term 2 Exam Question Paper

History And Government Form 1 Term 2 Exam 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2010

Section (A) 25 marks

Answer all questions in this sections.

1. identify the theory used by many African communities to explain their origin. 1mk
2. give to similarities between early agriculture in Egypt and in Mesopotamia. 2mks
3. state the earliest sources of information about the east coast of Africa. 1mk
4. identify three earliest sources of energy. 3mks
5. give three advantages of man over other apes. 3mks
6. state two aspects of oral tradition. 2mks
7. name three groups in which the nilotes migrated into Kenya. 3mks
8. give two officials who assisted the kabaka of the buganda in his administration. 2mks

Section (b) 30 marks

Answer all questions bellow.

9. a)state five clans of mijikenda. 5mks
b)explain five result of migration and settlement of Kenyan communities. 10mks
10.a)identify three limitation of coal as a source of industrial power. 3mks
b)discuss six reasons that favored Britain to pioneer in industrialization. 12mks

Section (C) 10 marks

Answer one question.

11. discuss five elements of good citizenship. 10mks
12. explain five principles of democracy. 10mks

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