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Physic Forces Question Paper

Physic Forces 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2013

1 A student was heard saying "the mass of a ball on the moon is one sixth its mass on earth ". Give a reason why this statement is wrong (2mks) 2 . In the study of a free fall, it is assumed that the force f acting on a given body of mass m is gravitational , given F=mg . State two other forces that act on the same body .(2mks) 3. State how a lubricant reduces friction in the bearing of moving part of a machine (2mks) 4. Distinguish between mass and weight of a body stating the units for each .(2mks) 5. Give a reason why the weight of a body varies from place to place (2mks) 6. A drum which is 2m high contains water to a depth of 0.5m and oil of density 0.5g/cm3 extends to the top. Find the pressure exerted at the bottom of drum by the two liquids (3mks) 7. Give a reason why water is not suitable liquid for use in a barometer (2mks) 8 State why a pin floating on water sinks whe a detergent is added. (2mks) 9. Define the term force and states its SI unit (2mks)

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