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Hcb2103-Mathematics For Business Cat Question Paper

Hcb2103-Mathematics For Business Cat 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2014

Instruction:Answer all questions time allowed:1 hour
1.The resale value of a piece of industrial equipment has been found to behave according to the function v=250000l^(-0.06t) where t is years since original purchase.
a)what was the original value of the piece of equipment? (5 marks)
b)what is the expected resale value after 5 years? (5 marks)

2.a)Explain the purpose of Venn diagram (3 marks)

b) A market study taken at a local sporting goods store,maua wahome store shored that of the 200 people interviewed,60 owned tents,100owned sleeping bags,80 owned camping stoves, and 40 owned both tents and camping stoves and 40 owned both sleeping bags and camping stoves.

if 20 people interviewed owned a tent,a sleeping bag and a camping stoves,determine how many people owned only a camping stove. in this case,it is possible for 30 people to own both a tent and a sleeping bag, not a comping stove? (7 marks)

3.solve for x (4 marks)

(i) 3x^2=9x
(ii) 2x^2+3x+1=0

4. solve the following system of simultaneous equations using matrices (6 marks)


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