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Kdc 411:Communication And Human Rights Question Paper

Kdc 411:Communication And Human Rights 

Course:Journalism And Media Studies

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2012


Q1.(@)Human Rights scholars such as Clerence J Dias have identified and written on structures in the North and the developing countries that continue to impact negatively on human rights issues.Identify seven of such structures that you may be familiar with and critically analyze them and show how they are created,protected,reinforced,insulated and the extent to which they are used as instruments of oppression in the developing countries.(15 marks)

(b)Critically analyze how the media may be used by the human rights crusaders to deal with the negative impacts of such structures. (15 marks)

Q2.Empirical evidence internationally indicates that women continue to be discriminated against in very many ways all over the world.this is why the convention on the elimination against women(CEDAW)was adopted by the United General Assembly (UNGA)on the 18th December 1979, following consultations for over 5 year period by various working groups.Using the above United Nations as your entry point, proceed to design a Human Rights Media Campaign and Advocacy that seeks to deal with any two of the following key issues which continue to undermine Women''s Rights:

(a)Trafficking of women and Girls
(b)violence against women
(c)reproductive rights of women
(d)traditional practices
The campaign and advocacy may be located in any part of Kenya of your own choice. (20 marks)

Q3.Discuss critically the various international conventions which have been conclude within the framework of the International Labour Organization with regards to the protection of the various women''s rights relating to employment and the envisaged role of the media at any given time. (20 marks)

Q4.The media has no roles at all in the global discourse of human rights.Discuss. (20 marks)

Q5.Write critically on any of the following:-
(a)Gender and human rights (10 marks)
(b)The law and human rights (10 marks)
(c)Governments and Human rights (10 marks)
(d)The African Union and Human Rights (10 marks)
(e)The United Nations and Human Rights (10 marks)

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