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Mls 2501: Medical Behaviour Science Question Paper

Mls 2501: Medical Behaviour Science 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Radiography

Institution: Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2012


1. Which of the following persons is NOT associated with ancient understanding of behavior
a) Socrates
b) Alexander Fleming
c) Plato
d) Galen
2. The “Fight or Flight” response in the responsibility of the following system
a) Parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system
b) Central nervous system
c) Sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system
d) Somatic nervous system
3. Abraham Maslow first studied
a) Law
b) Psychology
c) Physiology
d) Biology
4. While IVAN pavlov is famous for his contribution to psychology he was actually a
a) Linguistic
b) Physiologist
c) Zoologist
d) Botanist

5. Patients are most likely to comply with medical advice for which of the following reasons
a) The doctor is elderly
b) The illness is chromic
c) The doctor has taken time to provide information as care to the patient
d) The illness has serious symptoms
6. Which of the following is true about learning
a) Learning is relatively permanent
b) Learning involves change in behavior
c) Learning occurs through experience
d) All the above
7. Erick Erickson is recognized for
a) Psychosexual development and behavior
b) Psychosocial development and behavior
c) Cognitive development and behavior
d) All of the above
8. Sigmund Freud is recognized more for
a) Psychosocial development and behavior
b) Psychosexual development and behavior
c) Cognitive development and behavior
d) None of the above
9. Classical conditioning type of learning is associated with
a) Abraham Maslow
b) Socrates
c) Ivan Parlor
d) B. F. Skinner
10. Trial and error learning is associated with experiments conducted with hungry cats placed in a puzzle box. This work was conducted by
a) Ivan Pavlov
b) Edward Thorndine
c) Albert Bandura
d) B. F. Skinner

11. Who is famous for saying “Give me a dozen healthy infants, well formed and my own specified world to bring them up in and I will guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist, might select such as Doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant, priest, chief, beggar and thief, regardless of his talents and race of his ancestors”
a) B. F Skinner
b) Ivan Parlor
c) Edward Thorndine
d) John Watson
12. With regard to counseling the best statement is
a) It is done by trained counselors
b) It’s about giving the best possible advice
c) It’s a technique to help people help themselves by increasing self understanding
d) Its not an ordinary everyday conversation
13. Which of the following is not a defense mechanism
a) Anxicty
b) Repression
c) Intellectualization
d) Regression
14. Which of the following terms describes an absolete theory that different psychological behaviours are related to different parts of the brain and that these could be assessed by touching the surface of the skull
a) Supernaturalism
b) Phrenology
c) Physiognomy
d) Exorcism
15. The founder of the discipline of psychology and behavior is considered to be
a) Wilhelm Wundt
b) John Watson
c) Ivan Pavlov
d) B. F. Skinner
16. The Bio-psycho-social model of health care is best described as
a) The management of psychological and social issues of the patient
b) Biological issues of disease being more important that psychosocial aspects
c) Use of social and psychological factors alongside biological aspects of illness
d) A method in which a patient should be seen by a psychologist and social workers

17. According to Maslow hierarchy of needs the bottom of the pyramid is occupied by
a) Physiological needs
b) Psychological-safety needs
c) Self-esteem needs
d) Self actualization needs
18. According to the Maslow hierarchy needs the top of the pyramid is occupied by
a) Physiological needs
b) Psychological-safety needs
c) Self-esteem needs
d) Self actualization needs
19. There are three main processes involved in memory except
a) Encoding
b) Acquisition
c) Storage
d) Retrieval
20. Little David has recurrent allergic and must have injections to counteract them. He becomes fearful and cried whenever he got his injection but now just the sight of a nurse makes him tearful and fearful. What is the conditioned stimulus in this example
a) Injection
b) Nurse
c) Crying
d) Doctors
SECTION B (30 marks) Answer all questions
21. Outline the key elements of classical conditioning (6 marks)
22. Define the following terms
a) Response
b) Aversive conditioning
c) Stimulus recovery
23. Explain the following terms
a) Punishment (3 marks)
b) Positive reinforcement (3 marks)
24. Briefly outline the following
a) Sensation (3 marks)
b) Perception (3 marks)
25. Give six reasons why information is stored in our short term memory (6 marks)

SECTION C (20 MARKS) Answer only one question
26. a.) Define the following terms
i. Mental health (2 marks)
ii. Neuron (2 marks)
iii. Neurotransmitter (2 marks)
iv. Stress (2 marks)
b.) Explain the various structures of personality according to Sigmund Freud
(12 marks)
27. Compare Freud’s and Erickson’s development theories and their relevance to behavior (20 marks)
28. Discuss the various effects of stress on health (20 marks)

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