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Pha 2101: Medical Physiology Question Paper

Pha 2101: Medical Physiology 

Course:Bachelor Of Pharmacy

Institution: Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2012


SECTION A- ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Mark T for True and F for false responses. Every correct response is awarded 1 mark. Every wrong response is penalized by ½ mark.
1. The plasma membrane is selectively permeable. This means that
a) Only gases and water can pass through it.
b) Small molecules can enter the cells
c) Only certain substance can pass into or out of the cell
d) Substances need carrier molecules to pass through it
e) All of the above
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true about receptors
a) Most receptors are proteins in the cell membrane
b) Receptor contain a hollow or cleft on their surface which is known as a binding rate
c) Receptor bind chemical messengers such as hormones or neurotransmitters
d) Receptors catalyse reactions on chemical messengers
e) All the above statement are actually true of receptors
3. The following is not a neurotransimmitter
a) Acetplchohine
b) Noradrenahine
c) Cylic AMP
d) IP3
e) Dopamine

4. The following is NOT true about ligana-gated ion channel receptors
a) Ligana –gated ion channel receptors are present in the cell membrane
b) Neurotransmitters can act as the chemical messengers for ligana gated ion channel receptors
c) Ligana gated ion channel receptor consist of ghyoproteins
d) Differences in membrane potential affect whether ligana gated ion channel receptors open or close
e) They are only located on plasma membrane of neurons
5. Which of the following statement is true about a G – protein receptor?
a) It contain fine transmembrane hydrophobic sections
b) There are more extracellular loops than intracellular loops
c) The binding region for the G – protein involves two extracellular loop
d) It contains seven transmembrane alpha tetics
e) The N - terminal chain is extracellular and the C – terminal chain is intracellular
6. The following statements are not true about G-protein
a) G-proteins are associated with fuanine nucleofiden
b) They act as signal proteins in cellular transduction
c) They interact with all types of receptors
d) The bind GTP in their resting state
e) They bind GDP in their active state
7. The following statement is true about colmodilin
a) It is aprotein which binds calcium ions and activates protein kinases
b) It iis a protein which binds calcium ions and binds to DNA to actuvate transcription
c) It is aprotein which transports calcium ions across the cell membrane
d) It is a protein which modifies calcium ion concentration within the cell
8. The following reaction is catalysed by the enzyme adaenylate cyclose
a) The conversion of ATP to GTP
b) Convesion of cyclic AMP to AMP
c) Conversion of cyclic AMP to ATP
d) Conversion of ATP to cyclic AMP
e) Conversion okf GDP to GTP
9. The cell junctions allowing exchange of cytoplasmic molecules between two cells are called
a) Focal junctions
b) Zona occludence
c) Gapjunctions
d) Anchoring junctions
e) Zona adherens
10. The sodium potassium pumps located in the plasma membrane
a) Actively transport potassium ions into cells
b) Osmotically move sodium ions into s\cells
c) Actively transport water out of the cells
d) Moves chloride ions out of the cells
e) Move proteins out of the cells by facilitated diffusion
11. Proteins of the plasma membrane serve all of the following function except
a) Breaking down hormones
b) Pumping waterout of the cells
c) Serving as carriers for large molecule transportation
d) Bonding to neurotransmitters
e) Synthesis of chemokines
12. When a sperm cell comes into contact with an egg cell there is a change in the electrical charge across the plasma membrane and various protein channels close. These channels would be called
a) Open-gated channels
b) Ovo-spermatic liquid channels
c) Chemical gated channels
d) Voltage gated channels
e) Electric potential gated channels
13. Which of the following will increase thee rate of diffusion? An increase in
a) Viscosity of solvent
b) The distance the molecules have to travel
c) Molecularweight of the diffusing molecules
d) Temperature
e) All the above
14. Cyanide stops the production of ATP. Which of the following processes would be affected?
a) Simple diffusion
b) Facilitated diffusion
c) Active transport
d) Osmosis
e) Muscular contraction
15. The process of pinocytosis
a) Is a form of exocytosis
b) Is a form of endocytosis
c) Involves moderate utilization of ATP
d) Requires a lot of ATP
e) Does not require ATP

16. Gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide cross the plasma membrane by:
a) Secondary active transport
b) Passive diffusion through the lipid layer
c) A specific gas transport protein
d) Primary active transport
e) They are dissolved in water and transported through aquoporins
17. A substance canonly be accumulated against its electrical gradient by
a) Facilitated diffusion
b) Passage through ion channels
c) Diffusion through a uniport
d) Diffusion through a symport
e) Active transport
18. The principal intracellular cation is
a) Mg 2+
b) Na+
c) CL-
d) K+
e) Ca2+
19. The sodium pump
a) Exchanges intracellular K+ for extracellular Na+
b) Is an ion channel
c) Is important for maintaining a constant cell volume
d) Can be inhibited by metabolic poisons
e) Is a transmembrane protein
20. Amplification of chemical signal occurs when
a) A receptor in the plasma membrane activates several G-protein molecules while a signal molecules bound to it
b) A cyclic AMP molecule activates one protein kinase molecule beforebeing converted to AMP
c) Phosphorylaze and phosphatase activities are balanced
d) Receptor tynosine kinases dimerize upon ligamid binding
e) Both (a) and (d) occur

21. Lipid soluble signal molecules such as fetosteione cross the membrane of all cells out but affect only target cells because
a) Only target cells retain the appropriate DNA segments
b) Intracellular receptor are present only in target cells
c) Most cells lack the Y chromosome required
d) Only target cells posses the cytosotic enzymes that transducer the testosterone
e) Only in target cells is testosterone able to initiate the phosphorylation cascade leading to activated transcription factor
22. Signal transduction pathways benefit cell for all of the following except
a) They help cells respond to signal molecules that are too large or polar to cross the plasma membrane
b) They enabled different cells to respond appropriately to the same signals
c) They help cells to use up phosphate generated by ATP breakdown
d) They can amplify a signal
e) Variations in the signal transduction pathways can enhance response specificity
23. Muscle cells contain numerous……………………….because of their high demand for ATP
a) Ribosomes
b) Lysosomes
c) Endosomes
d) Mitochondria
e) Microtubules
24. The following organelles have their structure and function accurately described
a) Vesicle: membranes sacs, containing various substance that recently entered or formed in the cell
b) Microtubules: lond\g slender tubes of globular protein. Tubulin, form internal skeleton of cells
c) Microfilaments: tiny rods of protein actin cause cellular movement
d) Mitochondria: enclosed with double membranes with cristae on which are embedded special ribosomes
e) SER: double membrane sacs unaccompanied by robosomes and highly concentrated in muscle cells for steroid synthesis
25. The action potential of a nerve cell
a) Becomes large as stimulus strength increases
b) Can summate one with another
c) Results in a large increase in the membrane permeability to sodium ions
d) May vary considerably in amplitude
e) All the above are correct
26. The first phase of the action potential called depolarization id produced through
a) Opening of lyand gated sodium ion channels
b) Inactivation of voltage gated sodium ion channels
c) Opening of voltage gated Na+ ions channels
d) Opening of voltage gated K+ ion channels
e) Opening of voltage gated Ca2+ and Na+ ion channels
27. The following occurs first after an action potential arrives at an axon terminal
a) Calcium ions enter the axon terminal
b) Voltage gated calcium channels open
c) Vesides containing neurotransmitter move forwards the axon terminal membrane
d) Neujrotransmitter binds to receptors of the post synaptic ccell
e) Exocytosis of neurotransmitter
28. The velocity of an action potential propagation
a) Is independent of an axons diameter
b) Depends on the thickness of the inyelin around the axon
c) Will be unaffected if the axon becomes derryelinated
d) Is fastest in unmyelinated axons
e) Is directly dependent on the length of the nerve fibre
29. The fundamental units of the nervous system\m are v\nerve cells called
a) Neuronal cell bodies
b) Axons
c) Neurotransmitters
d) Neurons
e) Dendietes
30. Neurons are c\able to communicate over relatively great distance within the body because they have
a) A variety of neurotransmitters
b) A large cell body
c) Long axons
d) Many dendrites
e) Very many axons
31. The branch like fibres extending in clusters from the neurons all body are called
a) Axons
b) Terminal buttons
c) Glial fibres
d) Dendrites
e) Neuron fibre basket

32. The break between segments of an axons myelin sheath are termed
a) Axonal gaps
b) Teriminal buttons
c) Sometic gaps
d) Nodes of myelin
e) Ranvierantinodes
33. Skeletal muscle is described by all the following except
a) Multinuclente
b) Voluntary
c) Striated
d) Autorrhythrmic
e) (a) and (d)
34. A muscle fascicle is a
a) Muscle cell
b) Bundle of connective tissue
c) Bundle of muscle fibres
d) Bundle of myofibrils
e) Sarcomere length
35. Sarcomere length is descriptive of
a) Nthe degree of oveslap of thick and thin filaments within a sarcomere
b) The length of a myofibril
c) The number of myosins in a sarcomere
d) The distance between the A-bands in a sarcomere
e) Length between an A band and an I band
36. In the skeletal muscle
a) Myosin is journal in the thick filaments
b) The thin filaments contain actinand troponin
c) During stimulus excitation, calcium ions arederived from serum
d) Tropomyosin masks the myosin binding sites on the actin
e) The resting membrane potential is about 90mV
37. The following action is caused by skeletal muscle
a) Constriction of blood vessels
b) Heart beat
c) Dilation of pupil
d) Eyeball movement
e) Gut movement

38. The following steps comes first in skeletal muscle contraction
a) Calcium level increases
b) Calcium level decreases
c) The cross bridge cycle begins
d) Troponin and tropomyosin move to allow myosin to bind to action
e) ATP is split
39. In cordiac muscle
a) The force of contract is increased by circulating epincphrine
b) Heart muscle contract I response to action potentials in the autonomic nerve fibres
c) The action potential has the same duration as that of skeletal muscle
d) All of the Ca2+ required for contraction enters a myosite duringthe plateau phase of the action potential
e) All of the above is true
40. The following part of the cross bridge cycle
a) Action is attached to the Z-line
b) Myosin tightly binds to actin
c) The power stroke occurs
d) Myosin and actin detach when ATP is preset
e) None of the above
SECTION B Answer all questions (5 marks each)
1. List and briefly explain the function of the various all functions
2. a) define membare potential
b) Using any one ion as an example explain the basis of equilibrium potential
3. Differentiate between voltage gated and hand gated channels
4. Illustrate the function units of neuron
5. List in logical order the events that occur when an action potential reaches the axon terminal
6. a) Define the term neurotransmitter
b) List any four inhibitory neurotransmitters
7. Explain the physiological basis of generation of action potential in nerve cell
8. Explain how steroid hormones reduce cellular response and mention the type of response.
9. Using diagram show the key components of the neuromuscular function
10. a) Explain the all or non lanein neuronal impulse function
b) Explain how transimission along a myechnated none fibre is faster than along a nonmyechrated none fibre
11. List down the logical order of events that the release of a neurotransmitter at a neuromuscular function
12. Describe the signal transduction pathway

SECTION C Answer any one question
13. a) Describe the various cell adhesion molecules (CAM) and discuss their functions
b) Explain in detail the basis of strictions in skeletal muscle
14. a) Describe g-protein and their functions in signal transduction
b) On the basis of their structures classify receptor and five examples
15. Describe in detail the physiological basis of skeletal muscle contraction using appropriate illustrations.

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