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Comp 100: Computer Applications Question Paper

Comp 100: Computer Applications 

Course:Computer Applications

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions in section A and any other Two questions in section B
Question One (30 marks)
a. Define the following terms: (3 marks)
i. Computer
ii Network Topology.
iii Logic bomb.
b. Paul completed typing a document and realized the document had several words that were underlined in red and green wavy lines. Explain what would have caused this and how the problem can be solved. (4 marks)
c. Describe the key features in the first, second and third generation computers. (3 marks)
d. Convert the following: (4 marks)
i 76 base 8 to hexadecimal.
ii1001011 from binary to octal.
e. Differentiate between a virus,worm and a Trojan horse. (3 marks)
f. Distinguish between relative and absolute cell references in a worksheet. (2 marks)
g. Outline how you would select a non contiguous range in Ms-Excel. (2 marks)
h. What is the difference between an assembler and compiler? (2 marks)
i. Describe how you would convert the the case of a selected text from lowercase to uppercase.(3 marks)
j. Describe two layout views of slides in Ms.power point. (4 marks)

Question Two (15 marks)
a. What is a network topology? (1 mark)
b. Explain how you would perform the following in Ms.Windows; (4 marks)
i Move a window.
ii Re-size a window horizontally.
c. List the four horizontal alignment orientation provided by Ms Word. (2 marks)
d. Briefly explain two benefits of computer networks. (2 marks)
e. Describe two types of graphics you can insert in Ms Word. (4 marks)
f. Explain how you would save an active file in a different name. (2 marks)

Question Three (15 marks)
a. Define the term system software. (1 mark)
b. Describe any three types of network topologies. (6 marks)
c. Describe using a diagram the four main parts of computer architecture.(8 marks)

Question Four (15 marks)
a. Explain how you would do the following:
i. Change the case of a text to uppercase (2 marks)
ii Protect an Ms Word document with a password. (3 marks)
b. explain the following terms:(3 marks)
i. Formula bar
ii Name box
iii Fill handle
c. Identify any four factors that an organization may take into consideration when selecting a file storage media. (4 marks)
d. An operating system is necessary system software in a computer. Explain any three functions of an operating system. (3 marks)

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