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Comp 016: Computer Applications Question Paper

Comp 016: Computer Applications 

Course:Computer Applications

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE and any other TWO.
Question One
a. State and differentiate between the first FOUR computer generations. (8 marks)
b. Give FIVE advantages of using computers in organizations. (4 marks)
c. State THREE ways you can ensure viruses do not access your electronic data. (3 marks)
d. Give TWO advantages of star and bus networks. (4 marks)

Question Two
a. Differentiate between the THREE classifications of computers according to functionality. (6 marks)
b. Convert the following numbers to base 10.
i. 111011 base 2 (3 marks)
ii AC base 16 (4 marks)
iii 15 base 8 (3 marks)
c. Differentiate between OCR and MICR. (4 marks)

Question Three
a. Differentiate between the following types of primary memory.
i. RAM and ROM (6 marks)
ii PROM and EEPROM. (4 marks)
b. Differentiate between the following types of computer networks. (6 marks)
i. LAN
ii WAN
c. Explain the function of the following computer network devices. (4 marks)
i. Repeaters
ii Bridge

Question Four
a. Describe the following networking communication media clearly stating advantages of each(8 marks)
i. Fiber optic
ii Twisted
b. Describe the following types of printers (6 marks)
i. Daisy wheel
ii Laser
c. Define the following software terms giving an example for each. (6 marks)
i. Spreadsheet
ii Word processor
iii DTP.
Question Five
a. Differentiate between command drive and graphical user interfaces (6 marks)
b. With the aid of a diagram describe a hard disk (6 marks)
c. List FOUR file organization methods and describe each. (8 marks)

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