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Form 4 Christian Religious Education Term 1 Question Paper

Form 4 Christian Religious Education Term 1 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2012

1{a}Give five reasons why Christians read the Bible{5mks}
[b]Why is the Bible referred to as the word of God?{7mks}
{c}What eight factors may hinder effective evangelization in Kenya? {8mks}
2{a}Outline occasions when God's power was shown in the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt {7mks} {b}Explain the nature of God as learnt from the Sinai covenant {7mks} [c}Explain ways in which Christians experience God''s power in their lives {6mks} 3{a}Explain ways in which the temple of Jerusalem was central to Jewish worship and faith {9mks} [b]Explain why Saul failed as a king in Israel {5mks}
{c}What are the factors that prevent political leaders in Kenya today from performing their duties effectively? {6mks}
4{a}Outline six reasons why Jeremiah is seen as a suffering prophet in Israel {6mks} {b}State six reasons why Jeremiah condemned human sacrifices in Israel {6mks} {c}How is the church promoting sacredness in life today {8mks}
5{a}Nehemiah is portrayed as a prayerful leader identify occasions when he prayed {8mks} {b}State five final reforms carried out by Nehemiah {5mks} {c}State seven challenges faced by Christian leaders today {7mks}
6{a}Outline the significance of dowry in Traditional African Society {7mks} {b}Identify the African customs that undermine the dignity of women in the society today {6mks} {c}Give reasons why female circumcision is being discouraged in Kenya today {7mks}

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