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Ccs 001: Communication Skills Question Paper

Ccs 001: Communication Skills 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Civil And Construction Engineering

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2010


1 a) Discuss the services that are offered by the University of Nairobi library (10 marks)
b) What is browsing in the library context? (5 marks)
c) Describe FIVE typed of information sources found in a library

2 a) What is a reference work? (3 marks)
b) Identify the type of reference work you would use to get the following information:
i) The highest volcano in the world
ii) The life history of an important personality
iii) An overview of a variety of topics
iv) Reference on a particular subject (12 marks)
c) Books that have been identified in the library catalog may not be found on the shelves. Explain the various status of such books to a new library user. (10 marks)

Read the passage below and answer the following questions that follow:

Democratic countries are not satisfied with simple answers to the questions of what, how and for whom, given by a perfectly UNRESTRAINED MARKET SYSTEM. Such a system might call huge differences in income levels and nullify economic democracy. Therefore, the government steps in with its own expenditure to supplement the real pr money income of some individuals. Ir may provide hospitals and other facilities or may present the more needy of them with monthly allowances in times of unemployment or old age. Many modern governments fox minimum standards of life for their populations. More than this, governments in mixed economies provide CERTAIN INDISPENSABLE ITEMS services without which community life would unthinkable and which items, by their very nature, cannot be appropriately left to private enterprises. Government is behaving like any large spender in its expenditure on money. It is fixing economy policies, causing resources to flow ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SOCIAL WELFARE. Even the price system works much as if social welfare were its main objective rather than fulfillment of individual ambitions and enterprises. Governments also exercise their influence on the economy through collection of taxes. Then, there are numerous government laws pertaining to weights and measures, employment of child labor, protection to property, protection of social life through legislative ban on the use of opium and other unhealthy drugs and so forth. This set of roles gives the framework within which private enterprises operates.

a) Summarize in one sentence of not more than 30 words hoe governments exercise their influence on their economies (5 marks)
b) If this passage were to be divided into three paragraphs, provide the first sentence of the second and third paragraphs. (4 marks)
c) Using your own knowledge if test and word attack skills, explain the meaning of each capitalized phrases. (8 marks)
d) Discuss briefly the significance of any two broad strategies of learning reading skills. (4 marks)
e) Identify any four discourse markers and state the function of each. (4 marks)


4. At some point in the past you may have faced a conflict between was expected of you - by parents, friends, family, society, or employer - and your own personality or abilities.
a) Give a detailed description of one occasion when these expectations seemed unrealistic or unfair.
b) Write a personal experience narrative focusing on that occasion, and remember to give it a suitable title.

5. Read the following text and respond to the tasks that follow it:

The closure of Kenyatta University following riots by students an Sunday night was the climax of weeks of antagonism between the learners and the university administration.
Whereas the previous closure, just slightly more than a week ago was not justified, yesterday''s was. For the students exhibited an unprecedented level of hooliganism, as they went about burning and destroying property worth millions of shillings
In their orgy of violence, they set on fire a computer center, a hostel,a utility hall and a student''s center. Across at Ruiru campus, a hostel and a warden''s house were set ablaze.
During the past riots, students blocked roads and destroyed a few cars here and there and looted shops. But what happened in KU was in a class of its own. Burning down property that took years and resources to put up in the kind of madness one should never associate with students. Clearly, what happened demonstrates utter senselessness and unpardonable lack of discipline (Daily Nation Tuesday March 31, 2009, Page 10)

a) Assume you have been asked to write an argument in reaction to the position adopted in this text. Name three issues in the text that you would challenge in your argument. (3 marks)
b) Describe three types of evidence you would use to support your position. (6 marks)
c) Write a short argument to support that position. (16 marks)


6. Using an organization of your choice, write an interpretive/analytical report on how they can enhance performance and improve their customer service. Address your report to the manager of the organization.
The TORs are as follows:
The challenges facing the firm
How to improve their market share
How to enhance customer service
(25 marks)
7 a) Choose your favorite topic and prepare and extemporaneous speech outline on the topic. (10 marks)
b) Discuss hoe body language and vocal expressiveness can be maximized to enhance credibility for an effective presentation. (15 marks)

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