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Ece Cotemporary In Early Childhoold Development Question Paper

Ece Cotemporary In Early Childhoold Development 


Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2008

This paper has five questions. Answer three questions.
1. Issues regarding children''s rights are constantly being highlighted in the media and in
international conferences. In your opinion, are children''s rights catered for in Kenya?
(23 1/3 marks)
2. You have been invited by a local NGO to give a talk to a group of young researchers
on the ethical and practical issues that should be kept in mind when doing research
with young children. Discuss the issues you would present to this group (23 1/3
3. Some researchers argue that whether one is born a girl or a boy will greatly influence
their development.
Which factors from your experience are contributing to these
gender differences in children''s development in Kenya? (23 1/3 marks)
4. Using relevant examples, discuss how child rearing practices are influencing
children''s development in Kenya (23 1/3 marks).
5. Discuss two theories that would explain children''s moral development in
contemporary Kenya (23 113marks).

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