Ece405 Role Of Family In A Changing Society Question Paper

Ece405 Role Of Family In A Changing Society 

Course:Bachelor Of Education In Early Childhood Education

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. What FIVE characteristics of the family define it as a social unit?(5 marks)
2. Briefly describe SIX universal functions of the family.(6 marks)
3. In what SIX ways can one identify an abused child? (6 marks)
4. Describe SEVEN situations in which members of a divorced family have to cope. (7 marks)
5. Describe SIX negative outcomes of the authoritarian style of parenting? (6 marks)
Answer any TWO questions from this section.
Each question carries 20 marks.
6. Discuss FIVE outcomes of divorce on preschool children.(20marks)
7. Describe with examples FIVE ways in which parents and children interrelationships(20marks)
8. Critically discuss the effects of employment of mothers on their children’s development.(20marks)
9. Discuss how spouses respond to their changing roles within the FIVE stages of the family cycle. (20marks)

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