Egc 512 Health Philosophy Question Paper
Egc 512 Health Philosophy
Course:Master Of Education In Guidance And Counselling
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2010
Write your registration number on every booklet you use.
Answer question No. 1 and any other TWO questions.
1.a)Define the following terms:
i)Health Education
ii)Behavioral Medicine
iii)Health Behavior
iv)Behavioral Health(8 marks)
b)Write and explain four aims of Health psychology(8 marks)
c)How did the following cultures or groups view health?
i)Traditional African Society
ii)Early Christians
iii)Ancient Greeks
iv)Ancient Hebrews(8 marks)
d)Explain the following concepts in Health psychology:
i)Health Locus of control
ii)Unrealistic Optimism
iii)Susceptibility to illness(6 marks)
2.a)What is adherence in Health Psychology?(6 marks)
b)Briefly explain Bandura s Self Efficacy Theory in relation to adherence.(10 marks)
c)Identify and explain six barriers to adherence.(6 marks)
3.a)Define the concept of pain.(1 mark)
b)Distinguish between the acute and chronic pain.(4 marks)
c)Identify and explain three roles of the multidisciplinary approach clinics in pain treatment.(6 marks)
d)Psychological principles have been used successfully in pain treatment.
Identify two specific treatment techniques in each of the following pain
treatment methods:
i)Respondent Methods
ii)Cognitive Methods
iii)Behavioral Methods(9 marks)
4.a)Define the concept of stress(4 marks)
b)Explain Selye s and Lazarus views of stress.(6 marks)
c)Identify five physiological and five sociological of an individuals response to stress.(10 marks)
5.a)Explain the concept of placebo in health Psychology.(8 marks)
b)Explain why each of the following characteristics of the Non-interactive Theory contributes to effectiveness of a placebo:
i)Individual characteristics
ii)Treatment characteristics
iii)Health professional characteristics (12 marks)
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