Eps 402 Educational Statistics And Evaluation Question Paper

Eps 402 Educational Statistics And Evaluation 

Course:Bachelor Of Education

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2009

1.This paper is divided into two Sections A and B.
2.Attempt ALL questions in BOTH Sections.
3.Relevant formulate and standard normal distribution tables are provided at the end of the question paper.
4.Scientific calculators may be used in this examination.
5.Use of Mobile Phones is strictly prohibited.
Section A: (40 marks)
Q1.Make a clear distinction between the following concepts using relevant examples.
(a)Population and sample.
(b)Discrete and continuous variables.
(c)Ordinal and interval scales of measurement.[6 marks]
Q2.Given the following distribution of scores:,x,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,f,1,1,2,4,5,8,6,4,5,3,1.
(a)Determine the following measures:
(i)Mode[ ½ mark]
(ii)Range[2 marks]
(iii)Median(Exact)[1 ½ marks]
(iv)Mean[2 marks]
(v)Standard deviation[3 marks]
(b)Use the data in the above table to find:
(i)P75.[1 ½ marks]
(ii)Percentile rank for the score of 16.[2 marks]Q4.
Describe any FOUR (4) roles of evaluation in education.
[6 marks]

Q3.(a) Make a clear distinction between the concepts “reliability” and “validity”as used in testing.
(b)Describe fully any two methods of estimating test reliability. [5 marks]
(c)Explain any 3 (three) of the following types of validity:
(i)Content validity.
(ii)Construct validity.
(iii)Concurrent validity.
(iv)Predictive validity.In your explanation show under what conditions each of the described
validity will be most relevant.[6 marks]
Section B: (30 marks)
Q4.Define the concept “correlation”.[1 mark]

(b)State two functions of scatter diagram.[1 mark]

(c)Differentiate between Pearson product moment correlation coefficient,(rxy) and Spear man Rank order correlation coefficient (rs or rho).
Q5.(a)Define and give two functions of test specification.[3 marks]
(b)Differentiate between objective and essay types of examinations.[2 marks]
(c)State two advantages and two disadvantages of objective and essay examination formats.[4 marks]
(d)Discuss 4 (four) factors a teacher should put into consideration when deciding on the type of test/examination to give to his/her learners.[6 marks]

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