Ucu 101 Developmental Studies Question Paper

Ucu 101 Developmental Studies 

Course:Bachelor Of Education

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2010

Answer question 1 and any other two.
All questions should be on the answer sheet provided.
Q.1a)Distinguish between Development and Underdevelopment.
b)What are the basic characteristics of an underdeveloped country.
c)Discuss any two theories of development.
Q.2a)What do you understand by the following concepts.
iii)Gender mainstreaming
b)State with clear examples the differences between WID, WAD and GAD.
c)Identify development areas where gender mainstreaming is critical.
Q.3a)What do you understand by the term „Rural Development”?
b)What do you think needs to be done in order to enhance rural development in Kenya.
Q.4a)Define the concept of urbanization.
b)Describe the causes of urbanization.
c)Explain the problems and challenges of urbanization.
Q.5a)Explain the meaning of “primary health care” and justify its importance in developing countries.
b)Discuss why women and men should have the same opportunities in terms of education, employment and other aspects of life.

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